Fly on flower ID please

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Can anyone ID this fly please?

Also all c&c welcome!

I'd say you've got it spot on! It's definitely a fly... What there are different varieties?? :naughty:

I'm afraid I let my entomology lapse slightly, so I have no idea about ID.

Photographically however, I'd say it's pretty good - however, because the fly is the main subject, I think there's too much outside the flower. Also, the cropping of the flower on the left is slightly irksome.

That aside, the image is really crisp, and the DoF is just right - the flower and fly are nicely in focus with a quick drop off to the next flower, although moving slightly right would have put that purple over to the right to offset the green slightly.

Sorry I can't help with the ID...
Thanks for that Snap Happy. Unfortunately, I haven't cropped intentionally think when I took it I was more focused on the fly than the petals! (Note to self pay more attention!) Thank you for taking the time and your points will be taken into account next time! :D