Aviation, any advice welcome

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some shots from my first attempt, any help advice, criticism or encouragement wanted


It really does my swede when shots are posted asking for feedback and nobody replies, so providing you're happy to accept a response from me here goes;

Number 1 - a tad underexposed but composition is good, focus is good, overall its all good.

Number 2 - pretty much spot on, can't think of a thing you could have done to have captured a better image, but could do with a small tweak on the contrast levels in pp, then you would have an image which would be accepted onto airliners.net.

And if thats your first attempt I should sell my kit!
I really appreciate your help and advice, I normally post in the bird section but having just bought a lens and being at home visiting my parents house I thought I would have a go at some aviation shots as I am involved in aviation, (Have a P.P.L. and wife was a BA Captain)
I know they are just snap type pictures with not much interesting happening but really enjoyed it and would like to progress,
so I have put a few more from the same session up, if anybody else would like to help out with advice I would be appreciative, will be planning some trips specifically for aviation in the future so all comments greatly appreciated, Caleb thanks once again





ps taken from the cliffs on approach to Cardiff
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I really appreciate your help and advice, I normally post in the bird section but having just bought a lens and being at home visiting my parents house I thought I would have a go at some aviation shots as I am involved in aviation, (Have a P.P.L. and wife was a BA Captain)
I know they are just snap type pictures with not much interesting happening but really enjoyed it and would like to progress,
so I have put a few more from the same session up, if anybody else would like to help out with advice I would be appreciative, will be planning some trips specifically for aviation in the future so all comments greatly appreciated, Caleb thanks once again





ps taken from the cliffs on approach to Cardiff

These are looking great for some first attempts.

My advice would be try and get a little tighter on the aircraft, the centering seems to be a bit off with a few looking to distant and a few looking a little to high/low in the frame.
Thanks Jimmy will work on that, getting used to the beast of a 600mm so plenty of room for improvement
Thanks Jimmy, I will have to try and get down to Bournemouth airport, any body have any suggestions for locations to shoot at Bournemouth?
Yeah that's alot better. With a small cropping, sharpening and levels adjustment in Photoshop that would be a cracking shot.

Deffo needs something - just doesn't seem to 'pop' an adjustment of contrast perhaps?

Was this shot in 600mm? (can't view exif on iPhone) if so you might struggle a bit with haze. Getting a whole 747 in frame would mean taking the shot from quite some distance!

Still I prefer my 300mm prime over a zoom - with primes you have to look a bit more for something interesting instead of the standard full plane type shot, which you can't always get.

Anyway, good set.
I second the above comment re framing. I tend to frame slightly off centre - allowing some space for the plane to 'fly into' which helps.


I tend to frame slightly off centre - allowing some space for the plane to 'fly into' which helps.

Nice shots - having covered the Southport Airshow (& some slightly quicker planes!) I always preferred the shots which had that 'fly into' space.
Nice job on catching the movement in the propellors too!
Thanks for the help guys, used same principles as I use with birds in flight ie give them a little space to fly into, yea haze a problem plus the sun was on the wrong side of the plane,
still its whetted my appetite for some more
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Good shots. I am a relative newcomer to aviation photography and appreciate all the help I can get. Maybe a slightly slower shutter speed would get more prop blur but with a 600 lens you're limited as to how slow you can go to avoid handshake. Looking forward to the Red Arrows this Saturday in Newcastle, Northern Ireland. Instead of a zoom I intend to use a 300prime, if necessary with the latest Nikon 2x teleconverter. Good luck