Canada - Lake Louise sunrise


TPer Emeritus
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So going through the pictures from day 5 (don't groan :) ) which was a day that started early as I got up and scraped the ice off the car so I could go the the lake for some sunrise shots. The coldness came as a bit of a shock!

Anyway I got there before the sun was showing. As there is a huge hotel at the end of the lake (behind me for the shots) there were a surprising number of other people shivering at the view too.

Before the sun showed itself mist started pouring through the valley.

Wider view including the boat house

Guess it is a question of exposure - I don't remember more colour in the reflection than the direct view.

Then the other mountains started getting some colour

The mist kept pouring through to the point where I would soon be in fog so I took it as a good time to head back.

The accomodation in the early light with no other fool around!
[S4]I Agree![/S4]

What a beautifull place!! the mountains look like they're red hot!! lol.. Smashing.. (y)
Lake Louise is a gorgeous location. I had the opportunity to visit several years ago when it was totally frozen over...

Lovely serene pics Rob.... what a place eh?
I can't remember if I've made a comment in the other daily threads but I've been following them all and really really enjoying the images.

Yes it's a lovely location and there is lots of scope for good shots but they don't take themselves. :clap:
Really love those pics 1, 3 and 5 are my favs
What a stunning location. The foreground looks a little dark in the first few, but #5 is spot on!
Lake Louise is a gorgeous location. I had the opportunity to visit several years ago when it was totally frozen over...

Lovely serene pics Rob.... what a place eh?

Totally agree ! Would have liked to see it like this myself but wrong time of year as you can see below. Everyone almost stands in the same place for a shot !! (don't mean to hijack!)

What a stunning location. The foreground looks a little dark in the first few, but #5 is spot on!

Unless I really have to, my shots don't get any more adjustment than you can do to the whole image in Rawshooter. The only way to lighten those foregrounds without affecting elsewhere would be PS or similar and I rarely go there. Probably too lazy if I'm honest as I don't enjoy editing.
Oh and Puz - I had thought the snow would make it all look more interesting but in fact it takes a lot away from this type of scene - reflections. Interesting to compare.
I'll be posting some more from here as we went back later in the day.