mrdaviesuk's 365 - Started on 5th August 2011

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Due to the arrival of my 5Dii, I decided that I wanted to push myself and my photography forward and that a 365 was the perfect way to get me thinking a little more creatively.

I've not had a PC available to download the images and process them - so I'm going to start with a bang ... the 17 images I have shot so far. I will then try to update this thread as often as I can with my latest pictures.

Shot with a mixture of my 5Dii and 30D


Tog the Togger by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


The Big Three Oh by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


He's Beehind You by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Social Conspiracy by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Chop Chop by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Light ... No, Heavy! by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

just a quick assessment... the stella and bud.. so good i now have to partake of a drink myself...

love the PP on hinged. (y)

light trails are looking good, there are some fan of those doing a 52 so should get a comment or two from them...

as for your bugs...the bee especially..such detail.

moon shot...nice and clear, got a good side to it, craters etc.

overall.. nice set. (y)


just a quick assessment... the stella and bud.. so good i now have to partake of a drink myself...

love the PP on hinged. (y)

light trails are looking good, there are some fan of those doing a 52 so should get a comment or two from them...

as for your bugs...the bee especially..such detail.

moon shot...nice and clear, got a good side to it, craters etc.

overall.. nice set. (y)


Thanks for taking the time to comment Kev!

I've been massively encouraged by what it is possible to create with some very basic tools and a bit of imagination. I'm looking at dabbling with OCF, so things like the Bud bottle are getting me into that way of thinking.

The light trails are my best "single" image - I have two separate shots which I just need to spend the time to merge, which I think might be a little better balanced when I'm finished.

I just hope I don't run out of ideas too quickly! :D
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Day #19, a quick lunchtime search around locally and I find this Leyland PD2 double decker parked up. I couldn't decide how to process this, I thought the subject might have worked cross-processed, but played it safe.

I 'ate you, Butler by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
Hiya Paul, great image of the laptop, I like the movement in your hands. The bus is great, I like the angle you have taken it at.

Thanks Michael, still not quite sure about the processing on the bus shot. I think the dark area at the top right of the image is a little distracting. I might have another play with it and see if I can improve it at all.
Paul..i think its about seeing things at different angles... and the bus says this is an Ant's view of the bus... the blue in the sky is great... leave it.. (y)

Hi Paul, and welcome to the world of the 365, I've been doing one since the start of the year and it's a massive challenge and commitment, but you will get plenty of support from the members here and on flickr, you have made a really great start :clap: :clap: keep up the great work and I'll be trying to call in on a regular basis

Hi Paul, and welcome to the world of the 365, I've been doing one since the start of the year and it's a massive challenge and commitment, but you will get plenty of support from the members here and on flickr, you have made a really great start :clap: :clap: keep up the great work and I'll be trying to call in on a regular basis


Thanks for the welcome Matt and congratulations on your progress so far. It's reassuring and inspiring that it is possible to achieve what, at the outset, is an extremely daunting prospect.

I've just joined and sent all my 365 shots to the Project 365 group pool - so hopefully I will start to get a bit more Flickr feedback (I've never really used flickr to it's full effect, so I'm slowly understanding how to use).

Is there a list of all of the TP 2011 365'ers (or are they all in the 2010 post)?
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These are fantastic, really nice! How do you get shots like #6 + #8 ?

Hi Joe - Thanks!

#6 was shot as a long exposure in dark room, with me painting in the detail using an old torch (complete with batteries stolen from the TV remote).

#8 was a similar set up, but also used a marine spotlight torch that I had. I created a snoot from tinfoil (basically a tube), to focus the light fairly crudely into the back of the bottle. I then painted in the front detail using the old torch I used previously.


Thanks for the explanation Paul.

When you say painting in the detail, what do you mean? Literally shining a torch at it ?
I am mostly interested in #6 as you've inspired me to have a go later!


Yep - exactly that. Obviously being backlit, if you take the shot as it is you likely won't get enought light through the label to make it visible, or else you might end up with a colour cast which spoils it - but give it a try and see what you get.

It's funny - one of my friends was inspired by the same shot for one of his challenge shots (on another tog forum). I'm not sure if it's my image, or the content which people are really inspired by?!?! :D

I'll keep an eye on your thread to see what you come up with!
Yesterday's shot, processed today as I didn't have my laptop at home with me.


B-M-Dubya by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

I had an idea of something I wanted to shoot and how I was going to do it, unfortunately between my recce and when I wanted to shoot - the situation changed and I had to try something different.

I wasn't sure how the above shot would come out once processed - so I rattled off a few shots using different settings and fortunately there was something I was happy with.

However, I also shot the following as a backup and also as a test for something I want to try in the near future.

What Car? by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Any comments before I disappear under a the next torrent of 52 updates? :D
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Liking the Bmw, it works well. As for the what car, you have got some potential there. I think it just needs a little, more light just to give it a bit more contrast. I quite like it. I am also wondering what car it is now, I was going to say is it a mitsubishi 3000gt? Or am I way off the mark there? Day 22 is really good.
Liking the Bmw, it works well. As for the what car, you have got some potential there. I think it just needs a little, more light just to give it a bit more contrast. I quite like it. I am also wondering what car it is now, I was going to say is it a mitsubishi 3000gt? Or am I way off the mark there? Day 22 is really good.

Thanks Michael!

I'm going to have another go at this style/technique in the coming weeks - so I will take on board peoples comments!

Sadly it's not a 3000GT, it's the car in front ;)

Onto the next image (again I'm a day behind), so yesterday was time to experiment in the warm and dry surroundings of home!


Ariel Ultra by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

I've stuck some of my "outtakes" into a Flickr - mostly trying to do more complex images (multiple axis in the same exposure).
Hi, Paul, big (y) for starting a 365 (or is it a :wacky:).

I started a 365 and paused it at 100. I was not easy, so good luck.

OK, #6 stads out for me, even though it's a Canon :razz:. I really like the lighting.

#9, nice composition, just the seeds a tad over exposed.

#12, great colours, clarity and movement.

#18, might pinch the idea for my 52....:nono:

#23, I like. How was it done?

Cheers and I'll subscribe.
Well the car in front suggests Toyota. So maybe an mr2. Just had a quick look on your flickr. You have some excellent stuff on there. Do you have a link to a tutorial on these, something I would like to try.

Hehe - it's actually a Corolla T-Sport ... big enough to fit my 6'4 frame, but still quite fun to drive.

Thanks for the comments about the stuff on Flickr - always value feedback from fellow togs!

See below for info about yesterday's shot (as you both asked).

Hi, Paul, big (y) for starting a 365 (or is it a :wacky:).

I started a 365 and paused it at 100. I was not easy, so good luck.

OK, #6 stads out for me, even though it's a Canon :razz:. I really like the lighting.

#9, nice composition, just the seeds a tad over exposed.

#12, great colours, clarity and movement.

#18, might pinch the idea for my 52....:nono:

#23, I like. How was it done?

Cheers and I'll subscribe.

Thanks for taking the time to look and comment (and subscribe (y))! I know it's a big undertaking, and 100 is in achievement regardless of whether the original intention was a 365!

#6 - Is probably my favourite too - although I do like the Hoverfly pic too, just for the colours.

#9 - I think is my weakest - and I'd tried to get a little creative with the PP to improve things. I didn't have the exposure warnings on in LR, so I didn't spot the seeds were blown.

#18 - Pinch away, and you can credit me if you like! :D

#23 - Is actually really straightfoward, I've found a tutorial (possibly the one I saw ages ago) which explains it all at DIY Photography .net

I didn't do it quite like this - I used my tripod as the mounting point for the string, which restricted how much I could swing the light. I think you would certainly get better results using the method described above.

I did try to do multiple axis in a single exposure (as you can see in my "Light" Flickr set). However my actual image was done with a few PS layers rotated to create the shape.
Thanks for the link Paul, bookmarked it and will have a go sometime.
Edit, forgot to say I have added you as a contact on flickr (my flickr name is scilly puffin)

Cool - look forward to seeing what you can come up with!
Sunday's effort - after some feedback from TP is this long exposure shot of a hay/straw bale bear at a local ice cream farm:

Bright Snuglur Bear by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Although the more I look at it, the more I think I might swap it out for my backup shot .... argh, what do people think!?!?!?! All the bear alternate shots are in my Flickr 365 Alternates Set

Keep Out by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Yesterday's (Monday), was inspired by a shot I had seen recently - but which I don't have the kit to reproduce, so this is my own take on it:

Roxanne's Cans by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
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I'm not sure what it is about the bear, but it doesn't do anything for me. Although it's a pretty cool idea!

Liking the barbed wire, excellent composition, lovely DOF. nifty fifty?

Really like the headphones shot too, great colours, and a fantastic pair of muffs for the price.
I'm not sure what it is about the bear, but it doesn't do anything for me. Although it's a pretty cool idea!

Liking the barbed wire, excellent composition, lovely DOF. nifty fifty?

Really like the headphones shot too, great colours, and a fantastic pair of muffs for the price.

I think that's what I'm feeling - that it's not "worthy" of the 365, as it's just a bit "meh". Did you see the alternate versions? Might swap in the barbed wire (it was shot with the 24-70 btw).

Loving the headphones - they replace some Zalman 5.1's which had finally got to the point of no return with one cup hanging on by the wire (but which were awesome).
Today's image was one I was thinking about a couple of days ago.

I wanted to shoot it with a soft warm light, so I came up with an cunning plan (as I don't have any flash gels etc). It's lit slightly differently to the one below and I have processed it in colour, but am having trouble getting it uplaoded onto Flickr, so:

Check it out on instead

Can't decide, but I think I prefer the B&W one below, which had a slightly harder lighting:

Sacrilege? by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

So everyone - is ice sacrilege?
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In my opinion as an ex bar manager, no ice is not sacrilege, have a drink how you like it (y) though if we were talking about a Louis 13th Cognacémy_Martin then I would probably day any contaminant would be sacrilege in fact I would say with that cognac even the wrong glass would be bad :LOL:

Your doing great with your 365 keep up the great work (y)

Hi Paul, as for your bear, I like it. I saw the others on flickr earlier and the one other that did stand out was the silhouette one. Like the image of the whisky, I like the black and white version, it's just a shame that the label is burnt out. I think a selective colour version of the other one might look good.
In my opinion as an ex bar manager, no ice is not sacrilege, have a drink how you like it (y) though if we were talking about a Louis 13th Cognacémy_Martin then I would probably day any contaminant would be sacrilege in fact I would say with that cognac even the wrong glass would be bad :LOL:

Your doing great with your 365 keep up the great work (y)


Mmmm Rémy!!

I'm trying to keep up the momentum, although I feel like I am always taking pictures in the evenings/night - but that's probably because that's when I have some free time.

Hi Paul, as for your bear, I like it. I saw the others on flickr earlier and the one other that did stand out was the silhouette one. Like the image of the whisky, I like the black and white version, it's just a shame that the label is burnt out. I think a selective colour version of the other one might look good.

Cheers Michael (pun intended)!

Do you mean the label in the background, in which case I had completely missed that. Again - processing was done in LR on the laptop with a touchpad - so not ideal for recovering selective details. I might re-investigate that tomorrow and see what detail I can recover (also sort out that little bit of flare on the E too)!

Might have another crack at the colour one too, as I've just spotted an alternative crop which might work!