Dunraven Bay and Traeth Mawr Loonies Meet - The Pics

Here's a group piccy
I think only CarolineS, Big Andy and Shirley are missing?
Right - a couple of notes about my images.
First - I left white balance on Sunny; the amazing colour changes at the end of the day are entirely natural.
Second - there are a more piccies on my website Blog including Paul 100 getting his boots wet caught out by a wave and lots more wave piccies.

1) Lee Big Stopper plus a 3 stop ND to get the clouds nice and streaky - 160 second exposure. I've got other shots with the foreground in sunshine, but the pool barely shows up and I like the pool!

2) Ghostly self-portrait - simply walk into the shot while the shutter is open!

3) Traeth Mawr from the viewpoint. I'm not sure if anyone else got this as I was perched on top of the information board to see over the bushes. What a gorgeous beach!

4) How good was that weather!

5) Traeth Mawr cliffs stretching all the way down the coast to Nash Point.

6) First of three wave shots. All taken using a 24mm on a full frame sensor - these waves were HUGE !!!
7) A wall of foam rises up in front of the ledge where I was standing.

8) For sale - one careful owner - 5DII and 24mm TSE II - both are slightly sticky but should clean up.

9) A rogue wave caught me from behind. I already had the shot framed, so simply pressed the shutter as the knee deep water swept past me. Don't try this at home kids!

10) Huge breakers crashing in to Dunraven Bay. Storm force winds and driving salt spray made this a challenging shot to take.

11) This is the last on a set of three images in my Blog where the sun appeared in a hole in the clouds; the colour shifts that happened were startling.

12) We'd all packed up when suddenly the sun appeared low on the horizon; a lone orange glow in a sea of twilight blue.
Lovely photos so far, I really wish I could have come earlier in the day as it looks like the weather was perfect and you were able to access the beach.
Well! Two firsts for me this weekend. first first going to my first TP meet. Second first, first post in the landscape section. Had a great day and meeting everyone was very nice also. Hope this works as it is a hand held panorama looking towards Nash Point. Do I get a prize for the most photos taken on the day? HeHe!

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Some pretty amazing shots (y) ... I'll post mine as soon as I'm back home and them processed.

Just to reiterate, we've had a wonderful day and a BIG thank you to all.
Looks like you guys had a great time; hopefully I can make the next one.
Here are a few of mine. I went for a bright saturated look for a change.






First of all apologies for the delay in posting these, been a bit hectic of late and just have not had time to process them. Got there now though.

#1 First up a view across Southerndown beach looking East.

#2 Next is Traeth Mawr beach again looking East.

#3 A quick look at Duncan showing how not to do it. :D

#4 Not quite sunset but loved the light in this one even though the cloud/sun is a little burnt out.

#5 What I would call an angry looking sunset even if not the most spectacular.

Thanks Neil for aranging a great day again. (y) No presure but when's the next one. ;):D
Allan how did you manage to get the prop/ball in perfect focus yet everything else looks way out even on the same plane?? Also I've got to say with the limited lenses you had you've had some great results particularly your hand held pano shot. And I've got to get a 10 stop as the slow shutter shots look great to. Once again thanks to all for a great day togging.
Here's a few from me


F/11, 1.2 sec at 20mm


F/20, 1.6 sec at 20mm


F/11, 1.6 sec at 20mm


and F/11, 2 sec at 13mm
Thanks again Neil for another great meet (y)
Cheers Stan (y) next time i'm gonna get some waders, after the two days i nearly got trench foot the bl00dy waves wouldn't leave me alone :LOL:. There's lots of great shot's taken by all. You need to get to Monknash as it was absolutely fantastic, although a big thanks to Essen :clap: for lending me his adapter ring after mine slipped sloooooooooow motion bouncing on the rock's never to be seen again :crying: :crying: :dummy:.
I wont be able to make the next one and its the waterfalls i believe :bang:
Sorry for the very late post, things got rather hectic for me since the trip.

Here are some of the pictures from that day ...

1- Seven Happy Surfers


2- Watching Out


3- Barnacles Worshipping Monolith


4- Jigsaw Puzzle


5- Moss


6- Seascape


Again, sorry for the very late post; and thank you to all those who've made it a really nice trip (y)
Thanks Duncan (y)