The Docks at Liverpool on Friday

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On Thursday I was sat at my desk at work looking out the window at the weather. What a waste of a beautiful day I thought. I don't want to waste another like this. So I checked the weather for Friday and took the day off. I decided to spend the day taking pictures of Liverpool Docks, as there are many on here that are regularly posting some wonderful shots of the area.

Hope I haven't let the side down ;)












All have been HDR'd from 7 exposures.

Thanks for looking :)

BTW Hi to Mike and Carl :wave: Nice to meet you both.
I looove no. 3.
I also like the rainbow lens flare in the first image.
Good work.
Some great pictures in this bunch, and not 2 over done with the HDR.
Hope I haven't let the side down

Looks like you've raised the bar to me. Some of your HDR has killed the skys for my tastes but the compositions are really good.

Lets see if the rest of the scouse brigade catch you up or not. :LOL:
Excellent pictures. They seem quite sharp. How did you go about the 7 exposures? (obviously with a tripod etc lol, but I mean at what interval/stops did you expose, 1/3rds?).
some excellent shots there - agree that the bar's been raised. #3 for me I think, but they're all really good
Looks like you've raised the bar to me. Some of your HDR has killed the skys for my tastes but the compositions are really good.

Lets see if the rest of the scouse brigade catch you up or not. :LOL:



Superb set, class indeed sir. :clap:..such flare ;)
... theres nothing I dislike though, odd HDR sky or nay, I don't care, they all work well for me.

Number four is by far my favorite.
Not sure about numbers 1 or 9, but the rest are superb. Really like the burning trick on the sky that you've used .... quite inspirational (i.e. I shall copy it at the first opportunity!!).

Nice work :D
Number one is lovely. It makes you imagine how busy it would of been there when it was at its height of trade. Well done.

Some inventive compositions there. (y) 8, 4, 3, 1 are my favourites. 9 seems to be a nod to Pete's traffic light one :) What time of day were these taken, the times seem to be wrong in flickr?
...and not 2 over done with the HDR.

I'm glad you think so :)

I spent the afternoon in the pub with them. Damn I wish I'd gone out now :) Some cool shots there dude. Quite like #9 ;)

They mentioned that you were around. I did take a walk round the city centre in the afternoon, and I kept an eye open for you. But I got lost :shrug:, so I called it a day and went home :D

I'll confess that you're shots are part of the reason that made me head to Liverpool (y)

Looks like you've raised the bar to me. Some of your HDR has killed the skys for my tastes but the compositions are really good.

Lets see if the rest of the scouse brigade catch you up or not. :LOL:

:embarrassed: Woah there! Let's not get carried away!

Excellent pictures. They seem quite sharp. How did you go about the 7 exposures? (obviously with a tripod etc lol, but I mean at what interval/stops did you expose, 1/3rds?).

tripod, 5fps (to avoid people walking into frame!), bracketed with "full" stop gaps.

#3 for me I think

my favourite too ;)

Number four is by far my favorite.

I'm 22 and bending down to take that killed my knees!

Really like the burning trick on the sky that you've used

Not sure what burning is (not too good at CS2), but I don't think I've used that. Just ran through Photomatix until they look right, then into Lightroom and adjust the WB and contrast. Then resize and sharpen in CS2.

Thanks for the kind comments everyone :)
Some inventive compositions there. (y) 8, 4, 3, 1 are my favourites. 9 seems to be a nod to Pete's traffic light one :) What time of day were these taken, the times seem to be wrong in flickr?

Cheers! Hmmm I think the date and time on the shots is the time it was ran through Photomatix. Shame that really :shrug: All the shots were taken between about 10am and 2pm ish. Sorry I can't be more specific, I don't know how to check the EXIF in LR :bonk:
WOW! some stunning shots :D Finally some competetion for Pete :p - they really are great shots. I love number 3! best of the lot for me :D
I like the dark sky. It really gives dramatic effect to the images.
Great photos, some really good angles there. I particularly like the one showing the Paradise Street Developments.
Yeah, that's the one. The new building on the left will be called One Park West.