Thames Sunset at Slough

Edit My Images
Taken this evening...

1. Looking East...

2. Looking West (about half an hour later...)

All comments and critique welcome...
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No comments? Like I say, any constructive criticism welcomed... Am I doing at least some of the right things?

Just been doing some work on a panoramic view as well from some additional shots I took... again, crit and comments welcomed...

Yep, right near Jcn 6 on the M4... It's south of the motorway, not north
Hi, I'm viewing on a small screen so....

I'd crop a tad of the bottom of 1 and see what that looks like.

I'll view the others later if time permits.

I'd get rid of the 3 birds? around the cloud in 2, Like the Pano even if my eye is drawn to the green flare spot, nice all the same..
Hi, I'm viewing on a small screen so....

I'd crop a tad of the bottom of 1 and see what that looks like.

I'll view the others later if time permits.


To get rid of the grass? Thanks, Andy - I was wondering, either that or try to clone it out, which could be quite a job...!

I'd get rid of the 3 birds? around the cloud in 2, Like the Pano even if my eye is drawn to the green flare spot, nice all the same..

I was wondering about the birds as well - whether they add anything or not... As for the green flare spot - I've been trying to get rid of that as well, but it's proving harder than I thought! Anyone know any decent photoshop techniques for that?

Thanks for the comments - I appreciate it... every little helps!



Any better?
Couple of things.

First off - nice shots - thanks for sharing.

"looking east" - I preferred the pre-crop I'm afraid - the eye is drawn in by the river, but because of the bend in the river, I feel the eye drawn away to the left again before reaching the right hand-side - either a crop of some of the left bank or [if you went again], just putting the river "over" more in the picture would sort that. [personal opinion strongly evident here!]

Looking west I quite like, although I would question if it's a little dark? This is something I always get wrong, and I don't think my monitor helps any, but if I were you I'd try tweaking the brightness up a little [you may need to boost contrast to compensate].

As for the panorama, I quite like it again and really like the dark to light transition across the image. Following earlier comment, I do question the balance slightly - I find that the sun rarely looks at it's best in an image when it's central, and prefer it on either left or right. That said, I think the image is really good, and one to be proud of! (y)

Hope that helps some [even if you disagree :D]!
Thanks, guys - that's really valuable input... (y) I'll have a look at all that later on this evening... :)
Metering was matrix, and I bracketed. Both images were combined from 2 different shots - one for the sky, the other for the foreground... The focal point was about a third of the way into the shot - somewhere in the river...

I was worried about the sky being blown out when I uploaded from the camera, but it was okay...

These seem to me to be a bit better... Any thoughts?


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no 2 with some judicious pp on the river banking would be great
in itself its my kind of shot
Thanks Geof... What kind of pp were you thinking of? As it is, I've boosted the greens, altered the curves...


Really like the edits - nice and bright and really bring them out as something interesting - definite improvement! (y)

Thanks, Nigel - it took a bit more work than I thought, but I think it's been worth it, and they've printed out pretty well too!

The edits are nice but still need more of a lift in the shadows. You may get a little more out of them with ACR if you have it.

I know what you mean, lfc, but I did try that. Not easy without making it look too HDR or washed out though... Feel free to have a play with the jpgs though!
Thanks Geof... What kind of pp were you thinking of? As it is, I've boosted the greens, altered the curves...



Thames-Slough-West-a by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr



Hi Chris
I think i may have over stretched my critique...and thought there was more in the riverbank to release
i did this edit...but may have went too far.
Hi Geof... Thanks! I did try some d & b in CS5, but for some reason whatever I ended up dodging just came out all washed out... Was a load better in Aperture when I tried it though...

You've certainly made it pop! I'm not quite sure I'd have done that much to it, but I've done a bit and it certainly helped! Thanks! (y)
Thanks, Paul - glad you like it!