Gymnastics -

Lovely captures Steve, she certainly looks at home doing gymnastics (y)
A real shame you had to work under those constraints.
I like them all, a real shame you were the wrong side on the first and the inconsiderate people got in your way on the 3rd :thumbsdown:
As for the second, i really like it, not quite frozen which i think would have been better but you have the concentration well captured,
Not a bad job under the circumstances (y)
Best wishes
As gold said if you could have been the other side for the first that would have been a great shot, under the conditions I think you have done a good job :)
your right, although I wasn't wrong side, she is just awkward and leads with the wrong side ;). I got a great one of her friend on beam doing the same move but coming towards me but I cant post without her parents permission.

It was challenging, but for a first trip out I am quite happy. Looking forward to future comps.

Thanks for the feedback
Canon 550d with Canon 85mm f1.8.

Beam - Shot in manual, f2.0 1600 iso 1/800 AI Servo AF
Floor - f2.2 3200ISO 1/1250.

To be honest I could have knowcked the ISO down on the Floor shots at the expense of the the shutter speed, but we live and learn. the reason I went up to f2.2 was to give me slightly more DOF to make the focussing a bit less of an issue. Not sure if this was the right thing to do but it made sense at the time ;).

It took some of the vault and bars, but I was miles away. I used a 70-200f4L but it was just a bit too slow. I will post later.

As I said, this place was a night mare to shoot due to the fact I couldn't move around. The viewing area is basically a cafe behine a double glazed window.

