Fireworks and Wirewool

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I know there's a flood of fiework images and i'm jumping right aboard that bandwagon!
annoyingly i didnt anticipate a telephone line between my camera and the fireworks =/

Also, after the fireworks i took a walk along a disused railway like because i though the old brick build bridge would make an ideal location for some wirewool fun :)






thanks robert :)

after a few shots i realised if i started at the back of the tunel and walked forward while swinging it around i'd cover more of the tunnel with light and marks where the metal strikes the sides.

it's walking distance from my house as well so i might have to go up there sometime again soon!
love the spinners..........

If you want, I can make that telephone wire disappear in about 5 seconds........
Photoshop, and either cloning or "the magic cloning tool"...... I'll do it for you tomorrow as logged off main pc now, and now off to hit the hay..............
Hi..amazin shots!....would love too know how too do the wire wool trick pretty please..becca 
Great shots m8,well done.(y)
hi becca

i found this video really informative and helpful, it covers everything you'll need to know

my setting's were:
bulb mode - kept it going till the wool stopped creating sparks
ISO 200

a good tip i found was to mark the ground somehow so when you take the torch away that you used for focusing you know where the sweet spot is

the trickiest bit is finding something to put the wirewool in while youre spinning it.
i have tried a whisk but it all flew out the end after about ten seconds and was rubbish.
what i did for the pictures i posted was i got hold of a sieve from a pound shop and cut it up to make a cage type of thing.
it did work well as you can see but the wire is only thin and it did get a hole burnt in the bottom which made it useless after a bunch of goes

what i did yesterday was buy a really cheap bird feeder from wilkinsons because it is made of thicker mesh for less than £1.50 and chop one end a little way in a 4 places so i had 4 flaps to fold over. folded them over to seal one end and secured it with wire from a wire coat hangar. then because i have a couple laying around i clipped a keyring onto the cage so i can easily attach some string to that. i was careful not to have any sharp edges sticking out so i dont cut myself when im taking pictures, it's not life threatening i know, just annoying.

then all you have to do is find somewhere cool to take the picture :)

im happy to help or answer any other questions at all.
i've asked for plenty of help over the last couple of weeks so it's great that i can give something back


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Hi fightingfigure thank you for ur help and the video link!..I'll defo be hitting the outdoors when the weather is better and puttin this too the test hehe (can't wait)...thanks again ..becca