Finished my 365

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... in only 18 months ...

ok so I didn't shoot something every day, and although it was supposed to be a 50mm only project I ended up using other lenses towards the end. It changed from being a 'use the 50mm more' project into a visual diary for me to look back on.

Here's about 160 of my favourites in a slideshow :

It's been a bind sometimes, but mostly great fun which I'm going to continue ad infinitum and I'd recommend starting a project like this to anyone.
duncan... just viewed your show... i now need to go buy another set of cats... you've got a great selection of poses in there.. great ideas too... love the shot of the lady barber/hairdresser?? question i have to make an appointment? mine's getting a bit long..
Had a look at your 365 which led me to your wedding site Duncan, all I can say is, "outstanding" both your personal and professional stuff are fantastic

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WOW, you have some really great shots in there, with super colours, enjoyed watching that.

Love the 'Apple' pie :)
I normally disregard 365's at they tend to look like a rushed collection of snapshots, but I've got to hand it to you that's an impressive gallery! I like your style a lot, very enjoyable to view :)
Really enjoyed the slideshow. Well done.
I find slideshows boring at times, but yours had me glued to the screen. Very varied shots but great eye for a shot and execution. What happened to the photographer about 20 seconds for the end?? Did he fall into a hole?

Well Done
Wow. I thought I'd watch for a few seconds and see the types of shots you'd taken but had to watch the whole thing - what an awesome selection of photo's!

If I did a 365 I would really struggle to think of different shots, but you've absolutely nailed the variation aspect dude!

Great stuff.

I love the shot with the cat pinning the poor little mouse down, looks like he's doing it so effortlessly and just for fun...
I find slideshows boring at times, but yours had me glued to the screen. Very varied shots but great eye for a shot and execution. What happened to the photographer about 20 seconds for the end?? Did he fall into a hole?

Well Done

Thanks John, that shot was the aftermath of a big wave that gave us a soaking when we got a little too brave ...
I love the shot with the cat pinning the poor little mouse down, looks like he's doing it so effortlessly and just for fun...

Yep, that's pretty much the scenario !
Super imagery Duncan, always a pleasure to view you outlook.
Loved it. Sat down with the thought I will have a quick look and catch it all later. Couldn't take my eyes off it and sat through it all in the first sitting - twice!
As usual a superb display of photographic skill.
I enjoyed every second of it:clap: