First off camera flash rig

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I just got my first off camera flash rig set up. I'm using a Canon 580exii speedlight and a 40'' brolly.

What do you guys think? And what lighting rig should I get next to supplement this one?


I think the lighting looks good (although I must admit, I'm hardly an expert!), especially on the first photo.

I'm not convinced that the lighting fits the pose for the second shot, and I'm also not a big fan of your non-straight horizon.

That said, if this is your first go at off-camera lighting, I'd say you've definitely got the right idea!
The flash exposure is probably a tad too hot on the second shot (his cheek) but you've used a good lighting technique on both shots.

The second shot is using the ambient as a side light really nicely on the second shot, running slightly hotter than the fill from the flash coming in from the left.

What was the ambient exposure (shutter speed)? If you had room, say you're at 1/125th, then going up to 1/200th or even 1/250th would just add a bit more punch to the sky.

Good work
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I think they are two very striking shots.

I like the lighting and the compositions :)