Had a try

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Had a go a few weeks back and to be honest didnt go well at all

Had another quick go tonight and they have come out better... My problem seems to be getting the lighting right I think, and coming up with ideas of what I actuallywant from the picture

I think I already know the colouring is off with the first :bonk:

claire.edit2 by ajevans1, on Flickr

claire.edit1 by ajevans1, on Flickr

Both have been very slightly edited in GIMP, which is another thing I am trying to get used to.

OptimusBri said:
Are you shooting inside? I think you just need to inject some more light in to them! :) If you don't have any lighting equipment try getting outside and you'll see a big difference.

Thanks for the reply. They are inside. I have 2 speed lights and umbrellas, but couldn't get the right kind of light into the shot.
The 2nd one is the best of the crop for me.

However, I'm afraid there's more bad than good for me:
* I don't think the pose really works for me on the 1st
* I think the lighting on the second is just too dark for me around the left eye
* I don't like the hand being cut off on the second either
* The third is too dark around the eyes again - maybe a smidgeon more uplight?

Sorry it's not very positive, but I've tried to be constructive where I can. I'm afraid lighting's not my forté, neither are studio shots, but I hate getting no responses, so hopefully this is better than nothing!
Snap_Happy said:
The 2nd one is the best of the crop for me.

However, I'm afraid there's more bad than good for me:
* I don't think the pose really works for me on the 1st
* I think the lighting on the second is just too dark for me around the left eye
* I don't like the hand being cut off on the second either
* The third is too dark around the eyes again - maybe a smidgeon more uplight?

Sorry it's not very positive, but I've tried to be constructive where I can. I'm afraid lighting's not my forté, neither are studio shots, but I hate getting no responses, so hopefully this is better than nothing!

Thanks for the reply. Any feedback is good feedback to be honest

I've realised since taking them there is not enough light, lesson learnt for next time.