New 5D MK3 revealed

Sweet. Looks as though it has inherited the 1Dx AF system. This will definitely be on my wish list. Wonder when it will be available?
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Kind of sickening we would have to pay an £800 premium over our American cousins. I suppose, 'twas ever thus.
Just seen the very keen cost 3k! Think the d800 looks a better deal, but they look very different animals.
One thing I've been saying for the past 4 years since the D700 came out as to me, that is the benchmark for a good value full frame digital body is that "canon has all the lenses than anyone in its range, all it takes for them to fix the problem in 1 swoop is 1 body and Nikon will take years if not decade to catch up with their lenses to match"

That day has come!

FF body, 1Dx AF, dual card slots. To go with my Lsssssss :D
Drool Drool. 5D Mk3 and 24mm f1.4L II...Yum! At least i get to play with it as soon as it comes into the store!!
Read ascough's review on a pre production unit.

Autofocus was/is probably the number one issue with the old 5D series. The AF used in the 5D and 5D Mark II is a little old in terms of technology, but that has been addressed in the 5D Mark III. Using the camera in all sorts of lighting conditions, l can honestly say that it is on a completely different planet to the 5D Mark II and I’m using a pre-production model. In a word it is awesome. There are various AF modes you can use and you can fine tune the AI-Servo modes to suit your subject. However I was only interested in single point focus in one shot mode because that is how I shoot. To be honest - I couldn’t make it miss. Low light, backlight, low contrast - it made no odds. It didn’t matter what lens was on the camera either as they all worked, and nearly all of my lenses are calibrated to other camera bodies.**

I just peed in my pants a little!
Apparently the D800 has auto ISO with more settings than you can shake a stick at. Whether they're any help I've no idea.
I certainly won't be rushing to get one as don't have any issues with my
5DMkII and certainly wouldn't pay the price premium just for the new autofocus.

I have more features than I use already (ie video).

A professional may use the 'better' low-light ISO performance..........but then would they buy a camera like this if that was the environment they were shooting in?

Better autofocus - with what has been labelled, in the original two guises as a 'studio/landscape' camera?

No thanks - I'll stick with the 'old' technology and put the extra money into another lens.
Any idea on weatherproofing? One of the real complaints I've seen of the 5D mk2 was it's complete lack of sealing.

Other than that - looks really good.
I didn't really see anything to make me want to rush out and buy one... I don't see much of an improvement over my 5DMKII to be honest. :shrugs:

If anything, I'm a little underwhelmed by it.

I can see me having a serious chat with the Nikon reps at Focus!

Oh, how about making this thread a sticky too! ;)
I didn't really see anything to make me want to rush out and buy one... I don't see much of an improvement over my 5DMKII to be honest. :shrugs:

If anything, I'm a little underwhelmed by it.

I can see me having a serious chat with the Nikon reps at Focus!

Oh, how about making this thread a sticky too! ;)

Faster processor, lots more features in movie mode, a decent AF system. I'd say they were good improvements
What were you hoping for then?
If it does what it says on the box, wedding shooters will be very impressed by it.
Faster processor, lots more features in movie mode, a decent AF system. I'd say they were good improvements
What were you hoping for then?

Agreed. Throw in even lower light capability, robustness and weather sealing and I'd say it is a match made in heaven.

I'll be buying one no doubt. I've been waiting for so long to go full frame and the day has finally come. So glad i didn't buy a 5d mKII not that long ago in some ways.
...lots more features in movie mode...

When I watched DPReview's little video this morning, the one thing that struck me was how geared to movies this thing was... I have absolutely ZERO interest in making movies with a stills camera. :shrug:

I daresay all of the new bells and whistles will make for a better camera but at a starting price of three grand, it doesn't compare well to the D800. Canon's greatest strength now lies in the lenses and bodies are where Nikon seems to excel.

You shoot a 50D so I would imagine the change for you would be quite startling but from someone who already shoots a full-frame 21mp Canon, I don't see that the new MKIII is all that much of an upgrade!

I'd have loved to see Canon make two versions... One without video to complement this one!
I still dont get the whole video capabilities on a still camera either, if your into video buy a video camera? Or am I missing the point. Saying that I'd still love one of these :)
When I watched DPReview's little video this morning, the one thing that struck me was how geared to movies this thing was... I have absolutely ZERO interest in making movies with a stills camera. :shrug:

I daresay all of the new bells and whistles will make for a better camera but at a starting price of three grand, it doesn't compare well to the D800. Canon's greatest strength now lies in the lenses and bodies are where Nikon seems to excel.

You shoot a 50D so I would imagine the change for you would be quite startling but from someone who already shoots a full-frame 21mp Canon, I don't see that the new MKIII is all that much of an upgrade!

I'd have loved to see Canon make two versions... One without video to complement this one!

Yes, I rather see no video and higher iso perfromance in built RT radio wireless TTL control in camera body without the need to mount an expensive speedlight 600 ex on top, when I just wanted to shoot off camera!
just got an email off Calumet for pre-order. Also £2999. If you think about it, they probably could have pitched in at nearer to £2.5k at launch... but then there's been so much interest in the build up to it's release and Canon obviously realise that they have a big enough market of people who are willing to pay 'whatever the price... they just have to have one'.. what the hell.. stick it up at £3k.. we'll still sell all the stock :shrug:
Won't be a rush of used 5d2's on the market just yet I don't think :)

Nope, not until the 3 is available LOL, as for the price, I think with the gains in ISO (assuming it is as good as it sounds), AF speed/accuracey (especially low light) and duel cards it will be a hit.

I'm pleased with what they've done, sure some of the gadgets of Nikon aren't there but as a photographer I wasn't worried about that, I just want a tool to make my life easier and allow me to work faster in more challenging environments.

After saying all that, I'm going going to buy a pair.... nope, can't justify the cost for now, sure there are gains but with only shooting 20-25 weddings a year that takes a lot of my profit and are customers going to spend more just because I have these bodies? Nope, as long as I can get the shot now then I will be sticking as I am.
I'm just pleased to see they've now brought over the two point MA for zoom lenses from the 1DX

All in all looks great though.
I personlly think the specs are great

21mp from the 5D2 gace managable file sizes and you could crop while still retaining quality, If the increase in IQ are to be believed then thats a great step forward the 5D2 has very good IQ particularly in the mid to high ISO regions. don't GAF about video but most of that is software anyway. The AF and metering system is vastly improved over the 5D2. As for the price its starting at 3k which is pretty high but thats pre order give it a few months and the price will come down. I paid 2300 for my 5D2 not long after it was released however the main problem is the fact ou can get a D800 for a pre order for 2400 lol

Thats the big bug for me £600 more but then 36mp is far too much which is what canon are probably banking on. Currently I'm without a camera so have no investment in a system
"Following on from the EOS-1D X, the EOS 5D Mark III features a similar 61-point AF system" source

Should we be concerned about the use of the work "similar"?
"Following on from the EOS-1D X, the EOS 5D Mark III features a similar 61-point AF system" source

Should we be concerned about the use of the work "similar"?

Not concerned but I don't think anyone expected exactly the same AF system in the 5 series compared to the 1 series, they have to keep separation to get sales of big brother.
It looks like THE perfect camera for wedding photography (and a lot of other stuff) - I can't justify 3k on it just yet though and £600 more than the D800 is quite a difference. The US to UK price difference is a bit ridiculous.

I have no real interest in the D800 though, I don't need files that big.

Hopefully the street price will come down quite a bit in the next year or so.
"Following on from the EOS-1D X, the EOS 5D Mark III features a similar 61-point AF system" source

Should we be concerned about the use of the work "similar"?

Depends what you might be concerned about, I guess.

DP Review said:
The biggest single upgrade on the 5D III is its autofocus system, and it's the area that most needed it. The original 5D's 9-point AF system seemed a little under-specced when it was launched, so its reappearance in the Mark II was a considerable disappointment, especially when the 7D arrived a year later with a much more sophisticated 19-point setup. The 5D III's AF eclipses both, gaining the 61-point AF sensor from the company's flagship 1D X.

It's not the entire 1D X AF system - because the 5D III doesn't have the 1D X's 100,000 pixel metering sensor to gain tracking information from, nor a dedicated Digic 4 processor to make sense of it all. However, even without them, it's still one of the most comprehensive AF systems on the market and, most importantly, brings the camera much closer to the level of contemporary Nikons.

I doubt either omission would bother me too much.