Password Protected Gallery Software?

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I was the 'official' 'tog at a Rainbows / Brownies / Guides Ice skating noght last night, and i need to put the resulting pics on my web space.

Now for the tricky part.... it needs to be password protected so that only parents can see them.

Is there any FREE software that will do the job?

pretty sure Coppermine galleries (a lot like gallery2) are password protectable too :)
Yeah, Coppermine galleries can be password protected. Can even hide the gallery from the main page and give them a direct URL to the page that requires the password
I have it on my events/wedding section that runs off gallery2 pretty well and is easy to set up. i found gallery2 better than coppermine for some reason though essentially the same. probably a bit like saying pc over mac; both do the job just depends which you prefer to use.
I had almost exactly the same needs as you a couple of months ago (except it was a kids karate tournament) and I ended up plumping for Gallery 2. The paypal addon can be a little fiddly to set up but from a customer point of view it is very easy to navigate and use. :)
google up .htaccess and you'll be able to add user and password access to any page/directory you want regardless of what software you use.