Website Update Feedback Please

Layout wise not bad. Like the feel of the site.

Negative bits....

Colour please, everything in black and white makes it pretty boring looking. It painfully slow on my home adsl, I gave up on the photos page as it took so long to load and that's without trying to load a zoom image..
I like it, really like the pictures too but agree all b&w on the photo section is boring, looks better in colour on the blog section.

Images do take too long to load though, first one took 15-20 seconds.

One of the reasons for changing the design was that I wanted it to look good on a 27" Mac at full screen, hence the large file sizes, I'm guessing that not many people are viewing it at that resolution though LOL

I don't think it's the large file sizes that are the issue. I think the lightbox plugin tries to load all images before displaying the first, maybe try a different plugin.
looks good on my 24" screen, photos load quickly, but the background seems to be taking ages to come up. Might want to reduce the size of it :)

When the photos are scrolling on the home page, the black menu banner on the left blocks out quite a lot of essential parts of some shots so i thought the photos need to be smaller to not underlap the banner or the banner needs to be transparent?

When I clicked the photos link my iPad through me out of the page before all had loaded in - probably a memory issue but a number of visitors/clients might access in this way so one to be mindful of.

Could you have a link for each photo to click for a higher resolution copy perhaps (excuse my knowledge of Wordpress is 0%)
Nice site bud. Only problem I found as well is when I click one of the images to enlarge it, it takes a long to show the enlarged image.

Love the chevy truck. I want one for a project/weekend car but I bet there not cheap / easy to work on.
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with the black and the background image still loading it looked like a funeral agency, no offence but if you change the colour it will be far better unless you are shooting only B&W and the black and white(it needs more white) is intentional