Salford Quays 2nd attempt!

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Firstly a big thanks to the guys that posted on my other thread (serious frustration) your advice really helped me re shoot these shots!

So i went down to salford again last night to try and reshoot these shots. i followed some advice.
A smaller F stop
a longer exposure
Find foreground interest.
and wrap up warm!

Im fairly happy with my results no doubt there is still room for improvement but i can see it heading in the right direction..... please C and C!






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These are so much better than those in your previous thread, always good to see someone take the help and advice on board and run with it. (y)

A couple of them, #1 in particular, could do with a slight tweak on the straightening - I know they are shot at an angle to horizon, so instead check the verticals, its slightly on the tilt, as is 4 to a lesser extent. Otherwise, looking good - #4 is a bit off compositionally, I would perhaps have gone slightly more to the right, put that tall building on the left third line and had more of the steps/bridge. :clap:
No 1 is the best, as it shows a nice bit of cloudy sky. Good to see you took the advice from the previous thread and went out at "blue hour".

Could use a bit of work on composition, there's a little too much going on in these for my liking, but much better technically. Big improvement over the last set. Well done.
just saw your first thread Kev and it looks like you've made huge improvements.

#1 is great, but needs straightening.. it's leaning
#2 underexposed.. longer shutter speed
#3 best composition of them all.. foreground interest with the rail leading you in... but still underexposed
#4 i can see these steps making for an interesting shot... maybe from a different perspective... oh.. and it's underexposed :D

The last two probably just need a bit more experience in photo editing to bring out a bit more sharpness / levels / contrast.

And i do believe you took those last 2 from the car park you naughty boy:cautious: i'm surprised security didn't have you by the short and curlys :LOL:
just saw your first thread Kev and it looks like you've made huge improvements.

#1 is great, but needs straightening.. it's leaning
#2 underexposed.. longer shutter speed
#3 best composition of them all.. foreground interest with the rail leading you in... but still underexposed
#4 i can see these steps making for an interesting shot... maybe from a different perspective... oh.. and it's underexposed :D

The last two probably just need a bit more experience in photo editing to bring out a bit more sharpness / levels / contrast.

And i do believe you took those last 2 from the car park you naughty boy:cautious: i'm surprised security didn't have you by the short and curlys :LOL:

Haha! i see a pattern emerging of under exposure! thanks for the advice. Its all taken on board!
Massive improvement pal, give me a heads up when your next down I may join you, number 3 is my fav,

Massive improvement pal, give me a heads up when your next down I may join you, number 3 is my fav,


Yeah i will do buddy and vica versa too! Im also thinking of heading into the city centre at somepoint too as there is one particular location in the northern quarter that i want to capture.

Maybe we should try and get something arranged on the forum?
drummerkev said:
Yeah i will do buddy and vica versa too! Im also thinking of heading into the city centre at somepoint too as there is one particular location in the northern quarter that i want to capture.

Maybe we should try and get something arranged on the forum?

Yea pal, defo, I'm out at the min but inbox me and we will get something sorted
Well done - great improvement on the first bunch. Looks like IS did cause you an issue, and you've now solved that, and your exposures are getting longer which also helps.

Do you have a 'B' setting on your camera and a remote release?
To enable effective critique, could you number your images, it makes life so much easier :)

This is a good set, and a marked improvement on previous.

I think No3 really stands out for me, the handrail provides a perfect lead in, inviting you in comfortably to a glorious riot of colour, tones & textures.

Good one
I park in the lowry car park and then go and buy a bottle of coke or something and get my parking validated! Everything is withing a 5-10 min walk around there is a pretty self contained area.

Let me know when youjr heading up there next dude and ill make sure i can try and get down and take some shots too.

Its well worth a visit its like a tiny city, i really like it.
Hi Kevin, seen both of your threads and can I applaud you for taking in the comments and showing great improvement on your 2nd attempt.

This is a great place to shoot and need to get down there more often too. Whenever you're next down there gimme me a shout. I too tried to get to the last meeting there but wasn't able to with work.
Hi Simon thanks for the comment! i really did take it on board and im glad i did with the improvement i immediately saw!

I will certainly let you know when I am next heading down... Maybe you could send me a couple of dates your free so i can plan something?