ND Grad filters for film - will Cokin do?


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I think I need to start using ND grad filters for my Bronica, so as to bring out the sky in pictures like this one I took last week:


I know Lee filters are supposed to be the best, but would Cokin do the job? I'm sure I've read that they can introduce colour casts etc. Has anybody here used them successfully?
In my honest opinion, no. It would depend on the response curve of each film, but I would hazard a guess that with cast that cokin filters seem to exhibit, and colour film with a higher sensitivity to that area of the spectrum, the cast will be accentuated. Granted by the same token a reduced sensitivity to that colour could possibly yield a good result. Personally I'd really try and save for Lees, or even hitech; either will be better than cokin imho.
Thanks I thought as much! Will look into getting some Lee filters.
If your in the South Wales area you are welcome to try my Cokin filters for yourself, but I think the above advice is best but wouldn't hurt to try.

Thanks Andy that's very kind of you. However, I have now bought a Lee 0.6 Hard ND grad along with holder and adapters, and they have arrived this morning!

I hope it's worth the money!! :eek: