Haworth War Weekend-some of the Gals

Les McLean

In Memoriam
Edit My Images
From yesterday

Canon 1Ds MKIII+135mm F2L lens, fill flash






Lovely Les you must have had a great time there no.4 is my fav really captures the era..

Lovely Les you must have had a great time there no.4 is my fav really captures the era..


Thanks Bill, and yes, I always enjoy this event, also the one at Pickering on at the back end of summer, also the 60's weekend at Haworth are my favourites, it used to be the Goth Weekend at Whitby, but that got too frentic and crowded, you would line up a shot and 235 togs would appear over your shoulder :)

While the events like this one, even though there were plenty of togs, it was nice and relaxed, and still retained a friendly, laid back feel to it.
les some great shots got to agree with bill number 4
Some real nice images Les although not keen on No.6 I think her looking at the floor makes the image look out of place with the rest of these though must add she does look Gorgous
a good set with 2 and 4 being my picks

Thanks Chris

No 2 is my favourite also, she was so bubbly, and such an impish grin :)

I see what you mean with No 6, also I've cut the end of her finger off which is bad editing on my part.
Thanks all, this event is one I really enjoy visiting, the atmosphere is always friendly, welcoming and interesting, I really do admire the folk that get dressed up for the event, especially the ladies when they 'glam up' for the occasion, a lot of time effort and care goes into this.

It's well worth a visit, also Pickering (12th, 13th, 14th October 2012) has a similar event with the added attraction of steam trains running. And there is the 60's weekend at Haworth. Pop along if you are in the area, you won't be disappointed.

On a technical note, I find the 135mm F2 just about perfect for these kind of shots, it's ability to kick the background out of focus is vital when it's so busy and you can't really control whats going on around.

On a crop camera, the 85mm F1.8 would be an excellent choice.

The only real problem with the 135mm F2 , and it's been said before, it's sometimes too sharp, consequently will pick out even the minor skin flaws. While I always use the clone brush to remove the odd spot and pimple, I veer away from over smoothing the skin.

As an example, here is a 100% crop of the nose from one of the images, the amount of detail is probably not complementary to the subject.


For anyone even remotely interested, the camera/flash settings were:- taken between f2.3 and f3.5, camera set at aperture priority, ISO at 200/400 1/3 stop underexposed, flash (580ex) set to ETTL and 2/3 stop under, I find this is a good starting point for fill flash, and tweak the setting as needed.
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Very nice images and impressed with the clarity and detail - thanks for the technical detail.
All in all a very decent set of interesting shots, Les.
Quality images there, top notch stuff. I always admire the time and effort the people have put into these events.
Being super picky, Carmen rollers (image 2) werent invented until the 60's as far as I know, lovely shot though.

Like those (y)

Have you thought of giving them a vintage style processing to suit the period?
Being super picky, Carmen rollers (image 2) werent invented until the 60's as far as I know,

Not sure that that has any influence on the photo, AFAIK it was an event not a model-shoot :thinking:
Lovely looking shots Les, captured the moment very well.
Amazingly sharp.

Hope to get up to Pickering this year!
Being super picky, Carmen rollers (image 2) werent invented until the 60's as far as I know, lovely shot though.

I bet you do well in pub quizzes Matt :) ;)

Like those (y)

Have you thought of giving them a vintage style processing to suit the period?

Nah, everyone and their dog is doing it, Yer know, and you won't believe this Ryan, but even wedding togs seem to be doing it ;)

It's a rule, go to a 40/50's event, then you must press either the 'old paper' key, 'duplex','vignette', 'old photo', 'sepia', 'bleach bypass' or '75%desaturate ' key, or a combination , or all of them. It's like the rule you have for those that buy an F1.2 lens, the first images you post on the forum have to be taken at F1.2, regardless of the subject. Or you get a 10 stopper, you must drive to the seaside on the first weekend, find groynes/pier/jetty hopefully with a few rocks in the foregroundfor your first shots.

Rules are Rules :)
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Superb set imvho (y):clap::clap:
Les - you and this thread have a lot to answer for...
I'm picking my 135mm f2 up tomorrow :D

I used a 50mm f1.4 quite a lot last year and got people pictures I was very happy with, but this lens takes the shallow DoF thing to a whole new level!
Really looking forward to giving it some abuse this weekend covering our village's Jubilee celebrations.
Les - you and this thread have a lot to answer for...
I'm picking my 135mm f2 up tomorrow :D

I used a 50mm f1.4 quite a lot last year and got people pictures I was very happy with, but this lens takes the shallow DoF thing to a whole new level!
Really looking forward to giving it some abuse this weekend covering our village's Jubilee celebrations.

Oh I just love encouraging folk to spend their hard earned cash ;)

It's a perfect lens for those kind of situations, just try and give yourself a bit of space to zoom with your feet.

Look forward to the your village Jubilee celebrations :)
Oh I just love encouraging folk to spend their hard earned cash ;)

It's a perfect lens for those kind of situations, just try and give yourself a bit of space to zoom with your feet.

Look forward to the your village Jubilee celebrations :)

Been out for my first play - and WOW!
I'm already in love with this lens :love:
Many thanks Les, I'll buy you a beer if I ever bump into you (y)

First images are up already :D
I bet you do well in pub quizzes Matt :) ;)

Nah, just happened to have a sister of the right age. :)
As I said earlier, lovely shot though and I used to adore my 135 2.8 on my old film camera so I can understand why Duncan's gone all squidgy for an F2 on a digital body, that and your damn fine photos.

Matt, thanks for reminding me - Les asked for me to post a link to my Jubilee images once I got them sorted out.

In summary....
The lens was superb!
Horrendous weather didn't spoil the fun.
The evening celebrations found me unexpected struggling for light with it getting as bad as ISO 12800, f2 and only 1/60s !!!!!

Thanks for that, some cracking images in the gallery, and it's obvious the folks didn't let the bad weather spoil their fun :)
Thanks for that, some cracking images in the gallery, and it's obvious the folks didn't let the bad weather spoil their fun :)

LOL - just back from the pub chatting to some of the characters in those images.
So far... Everyone is thanking me for capturing the spirit of a wonderful weekend and quite a few congratulations on headshots from their other half's.
From a personal point of view in terms of developing my photography, I'm well chuffed with the images - and I had a great time!
Doesn't get much better than that!

Mind you - this community loves an excuse to party!
This weekend sees one half of the village heading to France for a vineyard tour (me included, and it's WAY better than that simple title suggests) and the other half is in for a long session at the pub celebrating a triple 45th birthday; dress code wellies, shorts and skirts - wish I was there too :D
And in a few weeks we are hosting one of the South Wests big 'niche' festivals - most of the community is involved - and it's blimmin good fun!

And getting back on topic...
This wonderful lens has provided or will provide the signature photos from all these events.
So many thanks for opening my eye to its potential!
If you are ever in this neck of the woods and fancy a night with the cider swilling locals give me a shout!