Canon EOS 5D III testers (Last lot added)


Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Me Dibble and Grubb
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Hello everyone,

I am very happy recipient of a 5D3, went out for quick walk yesterday evening and grabbed a few snaps. Nothing ground breaking but just thought I'd share.

I'm not sure if it's me, but the tones in the 5D3 images do seem a little bit deeper, kind of hard to explain. You probably won't see the difference on these images though.

As always c+c very welcome.





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Some nice images there, I prefer the colour but they do seem to have a very saturated green.
Loving the images. Im not bothered about the greens I like them to pop :)
Liking these, love the colours the greens are excellent also some good poses.

I noticed you have a custom WB in the 1st one (the only one i have checked) I think that is wrong and throws out the other colours.
What a lovely set, you must be pleased with your new purchase.

1 and 4 for are my favs with my only crit, which has been stated is that the greens are a bit too saturated - actually looking back its only in no 3 i think this.
Excellent........can I ask what lens? Are they straight out of the camera? Taken RAW or jpeg? AdobeRGB or SRGB?

From the nosy git :)
Lovely photos - really like the dog. The skin & dog look green and yellow so I would lift the green out of the images. It could just be a cast from the environment or as Tom mentioned the WB.
thank you for the comments.

I do believe the green cast to be caused by colour spill from the environment - as you can see everywhere is green and the sun is shining through foliage, as well as being low in the sky. I did try to correct the cast on #1 but i couldn't get it looking right, so i'd be interested to hear of any techniques i can employ in such conditions. I always keep the white balance set on the camera as daylight and tweak it later, but in this case, along with the tint slider, I just couldn't get the skin tones looking right so i left them.

Now, some of this issue with colour cast might be down to the fact that my processing methodology has been biased towards the output of the 5D2 and there are subtle differences with the 5D3 and I just need to relearn and alter my process, but i'd be interested to hear what you folk do with your white balance/tint in conditions like this it would be really appreciated.
With shots like these Mark (if there isn't too many of course) I would adjust them individually. Nothing like your own eye to see how they should look. It might be worth buying a good grey card for neutrality, especially as it only needs one shot from each scene with the grey card. Then use that reference point for the whole of the same lighting conditions as your WB click point in PP.
I agree with Tom - a grey card is great. I should use mine more but always forget. If you have a grey point in the photo you could click on it but I dont see anything in your photos. Sometimes something neutral like white is fine but I would eyeball it to be honest. If you still have casts you could pull them down in selective colour palette.
i love number 2 just for the expression on the little girls face and the way it has been processed looks kind of old i think, i also love number 1 though. Nice shots.
Hi Mark I'm no way an expert,,just wondering if you have tried in the curve menu,,,change it from rgb,,select the problem colour green in this case and i just pulled it down a tad,, and you can do red and blue separately also.

like I say i'm no expert, but this is how I get round it, hope it helps

Sue :)


I really like your work Mark, I think No.2 is beautiful. She looks very innocent and I'm just drawn to those eyes!

Nice work! :)
Thanks again for your comments everyone, and thanks Sue - I've re-visited the P&P and I actually think the culprit is that the 'Camera Standard' profile in Lightroom 4 seems to be biased towards the green tint, pretty easy to tweak but perhaps a gremlin in the RC version that will be fixed in the final release.

The lens for all of these shots was indeed the lovely 135/f2.

A few more shots taken this weekend. As always C+C very welcome.






Got to say all of these shots are great. But number 10...that's an absolute cracker of a shot, it really is.

Just looked through your Flickr and favourited a few, where did you steal those gorgeous dogs from! You're not posting enough pictures of them to do the little things justice!
Mark, get 10, 11 & 12 on stock sites...they will sell bundles if you key word them properly.

The 'new' processing is good.I particularly like the B&W in #7, care to share the formula?
Looking good Mark,,,, I always look forward to seeing your pics,,,, lovin your dog,,,, and the puppy is adorable,, I want him.

Fantastic shots - looks like the 135L works even better with the 5D3 than with the 5D2 lol.

While the colors may not be neutral, I really like the processing - Im definitely more fond of the green hues rather than magenta. I generally slide the Magenta/Green slider slightly to the right of neutral anyway, so these are right up my street.

Lovely set :)
I've loved every single one of these images, no 1 being my favourite. What a great set.
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments, and thanks Tom for the suggestion to stick the puppy pictures on a stock site, I hadn't thought of doing that.

I'm afraid the puppies aren't mine, I took the pictures for a friend - My wife would keep all of them though. Might try and get a few more shots this weekend if the weather is nice.

As far as the mono processing goes, it's actually very simple:


The magenta colour fill is set to soft light, the yellow one is normal. Opacity is 1-3% depending on image. The b&w adjustment layer is manually tweaked for each image, I usually bump up the greens and reds (greens for bw and reds for skin tone) but you have find you have to tweak it for each image. Eye drop those colours, they are the ones I use each time.

Thanks again everyone.
Last few added from my testing over the weekend. The final version of Lightroom 4 seems to have the files looking a bit more neutral by default from what I can see, but then it might be my eyes.

c+c as always very welcome.


14 (shame about her expression, she was getting tired)

15 gammy eye

No.16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG ! How did you get them so still ?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

OMG !!!! I want a puppy !
OMG I want a puppy tooo now!!

And a 5D MKIII, difficult decisions :p
#16 is a fantastic shot! and the fact that the puppies are so darn cute helps as well :)

is it done all with natural light or some flash too?