Retro Rides Meet (HDR vs Non HDR)

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Cheers Carl, yeah 3 exposures at +/- 1 Stop

I still don't think i have the HDR how i want it, but i have learnt to reign it in somewhat, but there are so many options when doing HDR that i find if i spend too much time on i end up ruining the shot and have to start again
Best thing you can do with HDR, is put it down imo...

Did you shoot them in RAW? You should be able to pull detail back from the blacks with that..

Its a good meet though ay, I've only got to it once mind but there was a good collection of interesting stuff :)
Yeah, i always shoot in RAW, but as i am self taught in PP i can only do so much, and i am now trying to learn Lightroom which is totally different from anything i have used in the past, so a steep learning curve

HDR is strange though, when i'm processing the image, i really like it, but then it's only days later when i look at the images again that i see where i have gone over the top or whatever

But i find HDR works well in low light conditions due to the heavy shadows underneath the cars, that coupled with my fondness for low angled shots, i'm not sure i could get the right look with a single exposure

I might have a play tonight to see what sort of results i get on the middle exposure just using Lightroom
Right then, had another go with Lightroom and no HDR this time, what do you think of this one?

P9034321-Edit by RichPICings, on Flickr

Personally, i think i prefer the sky in the HDR image, but i prefer the look of the car in the latter non HDR
Really like this set of images, great colours and nice angles, all peppered with quite a lot of nostalgia for me too, great
Thanks Adrian, yeah it really brought back some good memories, especially the MKII Fiesta which was my first car back in the day

Oh and the MKI Transit was a bit special, it had a 3.0 Supra engine under the bonnet, hence the massive side exit exhaust
The one that works for me is the MG Metro - just seems to look 'right'. I just like the light twinkles from the street lamps, the colour balance, the fact that I love MG Metros.... :)
I wish i knew how to push it harder, that's part of the problem

If you want i could send you the RAW file and let you have a play to see what you can do ;)
I'd put a gradient on which will adjust the exposure from bottom to top, thus upping the exposure of the ground and lower half of the car.

You can then use a brush tool to paint up the exposure of the rear of the car too..

Thats all in LR btw, or Photoshops RAW editor which I use myself. You've no need to switch software though, I'm just more familiar with PS thats all.
Its much better isn't it, don't you think so?

Its maybe a little too hard with the grad tbh, as I can see where it is. A touch less would work better in my mind. You could add another one to drop the exposure of the ground in the foreground, thus leading the eye to the car :)
Yeah i think i have to agree, it does look better than the original HDR shot, thanks again for all the advice (y)