Stop The War Demo

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This forms part of a project I am working on about protest and peoples response. It wasn't the best of days, overcast but with the odd late autumn afternoon shard of sun breaking through the clouds periodically. Views welcomed.

Gaza Demo 'The Messenger' by Nic Crocker, on Flickr

Gaza Demo 'End the Blocade' by Nic Crocker, on Flickr

Gaza Demo 'Marching' by Nic Crocker, on Flickr

Gaza Demo 'The Passion' by Nic Crocker, on Flickr

Gaza Demo 'The Supporter' by Nic Crocker, on Flickr

Gaza Demo 'Signs' by Nic Crocker, on Flickr
A very good set Nic- I love the last one , something to do with all those plackards I think :clap:

Les ;)
Thanks Les, that shot is pretty busy but the layers are there, just about.

I also shot this lady, clearly enthralled with the action going on. Documentary photographers talk about people letting down their mask. I think she does that.

Gaza Demo 6 by Nic Crocker, on Flickr
Hey Nic,

There's some good ideas here, but they need a little bit of refinement. Sometimes I find at a protest that you get an idea for a picture and you have to bide your time till the opportunity pops up, or you just keep plugging away at it till it works.

1 is okay, he has quite a different sign and captures the mood of your project. After that initial contact it might have been worth seeking out his face during the chanting or more active parts of the protest and getting a picture on a longer lens. I bet he would have recognised you and given you that steely look straight down the barrel. Who knows, that may not have been possible.

2. I really like the idea, but the person whose back encroaches on the right blocks the view of the rest of the protest, spoiling the background.

3. Get closer. The action is at the back of the frame, a nice tight shot on the guy with the Bristol banner forming the background with your wide would have been better. There is also quite a lot of movement, were you trying to do a slow sync flash picture?

4. Is so nearly there. The eye is drawn to the lass in the middle chanting, but your focus is on the one with the megaphone who is looking down. Both would have been good subjects in their own right however.

5. Again he's a good subject, but the rest of the frame doesn't really say much, again trying to get closer either with a long lens or by using your wide more effectively would have helped. The shadows and exposure need a little lift.

6. I think the last one is the most successful. A 'numbers' shot is always good from a protest. Maybe crop a bit off the top?

I quite enjoy protests for pictures. It's a bit more interesting than a lot of other news. Keep an eye out for more, a photo essay depicting people across different protests and causes would be very interesting.
Thanks Dan, really appreciate your views. I've put them into effect with a shoot yesterday and another planned for Parliament on Wednesday. I've PM'd a couple fo thoughts to you rather than take up space here.