350D now worthless?

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I have my old 350D here and was putting off selling it and keeping it as a spare body....

Off the back of the 450D announcement is the camera now not worth selling?

Any ideas how much i'd be looking at....

Has low clicks and is in good condition....

Would be sold with kit lens too (18-55)


Try this CLICKY That's all the recent completed auctions on eBay for the 350D, it should give you a rough idea of what you're looking at ;)
350's are still going for £200-250 (Black ones seem slightly more desireable than silver ones).

Hmmm interesting....

Certainly a lot more than I imagined....I thought I would be lucky to get £150....

Thanks for your replies on this......may have to PM kellyGT...
I will give you £50 for it (well it was worth a try if you dont ask you dont get).Only joking im sure you can sell it easy theres always someone looking for good secondhand ones :D
it'll still take brilliat pictures and not everyone can afford the £500+ that a 450D is looking like comming in at so of course you camera still has good second hand value provided it is in good nick etc. For a beginer a 350D for £200 is outstanding value.
Still a good entry level DSLR sure you probably get between £200-250 on Ebay by the look of prices at the moment.

A 350D will certainly sell, at the moment it looks like just over £200 for a well used one and a touch over £250 for a decent one.

If it was me I would probably keep it as a second body, but I suppose that depends a lot on your other gear.

I suppose the question is would you get £200 worth of use out of it as a second body.
well this is quite a good thread then....looks like some extra money for new glass....anyone got any ideas on getting a good quality 10-22 sigma....hehe
I thought the same about my 10D and would probably get the same £200-£250, so decided to keep as a spare body also being cropped may be useful for longer shoots. at the end of the day I thought it was worth more to me then what I would get for it.
well this is quite a good thread then....looks like some extra money for new glass....anyone got any ideas on getting a good quality 10-22 sigma....hehe

Got my (new) Sigma 10-20 from Kerso last Sept for £270, he consistently has the best prices and is very reliable - see dedicated TP thread(s) for him. Price may have come down by now as well. :)
Thats brilliant Sue, thanks for that!

Also as a side issue, I didn't mean is it worthless (and therefore offend owners of 350D) i was simply after a price, so apologies if it offended anyone....
