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I put together this story board I did of a recent shoot. The photos were part of a deal in exchange for a Birthday cake for my son (which turned out amazing!). Unfortunately the shoot didn't go as well as I would have liked, the little boy did not like sitting still and even managed to escape from my home studio a handful of times! :LOL: We had numerous fun things to play with but he wasn't happy so I promised we would do a location shoot in the sunshine! :D


Looking to see where her brother had gone! I forgot to mention they are twins!

(please excuse watermark, I would have added it without only I am in the middle of setting up my new computer and have no photos to hand other than my flickr uploads)

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I am not a people potographer but cropping the top of heads doesnt help imo
I am not a people potographer but cropping the top of heads doesnt help imo

I disagree. I'm happy to crop heads and get paid for doing so (y)

Having said that, I wouldn't have cropped her bunches.

Really depends on the look you're after. No right or wrong though :)
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I'm all for cropping heads... But I think there is a line where if you don't crop enough, it looks like a careless (oopsie) head crop and loses it's effectiveness. I agree with Pete, I wouldn't have cropped her hair...
Great set! Love them all.

I don't mind the hair being cropped. You're a bit screwed either way for close up shot of the girl as if you don't crop the hair you end up with the eyes too far down the frame, and if you crop too much the eyes will be far too high up the frame, so going for the middle ground was the best option IMO
Peter Hurley gets paid $1150 a session for cropping heads. Google portraits and you'll see page after page of them. My personal feeling is that it works for some shots.

However, I'm not 100% about the crop so high on her hair.
Agree re the undesirablity of the cropping of bunches :)

Great expressions on the girl's face mind you. Happy and relaxed is good, but the boy looks pretty apprehensive.
These are great, love all the facial expressions. I'm happy to crop heads when required, and I think for a collage it works really well as it adds a modern feel and focuses attention on the eyes.
Cringe! I took these a while back! I see where people are coming from regarding head cropping and I still do it now as it doesn't bother me personally!