Macro of a fly

Hi James, that's huge so I've made it a link.

The shots okay but it would have been better if the fly was a bit bigger in the frame :)
Hi James,

You've got good focus on the fly which is a great start and you can really see the detail in the wings - although because you've shot from above, it does mean that the eyes are just falling slightly out of focus.
There are some very nice elements there too with the crisp Autumnal leaves and the red eyes of the fly.

However, I have to agree that it does look a little lost in the frame . . . partly because of the amount of space around it and partly because it does sort of blend in with the background colours.
In this particular instance I think cropping in a bit tighter in PP would help to fill the frame with the fly a little more and improve the overall image. That would also give you the opportunity to place the fly further off centre to enhance the composition.

I completely understand that there are limitations in this respect with the kit lens, but it's definitely a workable piece of equipment for insect images.
The fact that you can't get those frame-filling super close-ups can actually make for some interesting photos. Try to work with your composition, colours and lines to make the bit of environment around the insect add something to the image - if you can get it to complement the subject rather than overwhelm it you can end up with something that works well.

The two images below were both shot with the Canon equivalent kit lens, so this gives you an idea of what's achievable with a kit lens.

p.s. Maximum image size for the forum is 1024px on the longest side - feel free to resize your original image and edit it back into your post :)