Canon 1DMK111 test results


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Ok so I made the decision to add the 1DMK111 to my collection, I now have the 1DSMK11 and the 1DMK11N plus the new 1DMK111. I was a bit worried about getting one after all the bad things that had been said and the number of users having a bad time with the MK111.

But it came yesterday, Monday at 9 am. So I put the battery on charge and had a read of the manual for 2 hours. I then went out to my Etherow park and did some testing, and WOW.

I love this camera, took a total of 135 shots that day and all but 3 where in focus and sharp. But that was down to me, leaving it in one shot and trying to track a bird in flight.

The camera needs a bit of work doing in the setting up, but once I set it up how I like, it performs like a dream.

Here are a few of my 1st shots, all with a Canon 70-200 F2.8 L IS USM and the Canon 1.4 Extender.


ISO 500


ISO 800


ISO 500


ISO 1000


ISO 800
I love this camera, took a total of 135 shots that day and all but 3 where out of focus.

I know what you mean but i think you typed the opposite ;)

Not bad at all for a first outing!
You know where I'm coming from when I say I was almost hoping you'd say you hated it :p Swan shot's a beauty :)
Nice shots. I like the camera hate the manual. I do need to get out more so i can tweak things.

Etherow is a good place.
For what it's worth, (and that's not a lot coming from me..) I think Mr Galbraith has been a bit harsh on this camera. Steve in spain will prob disagree, but I won't know as I'm off to Portugal for 6 days and probably won't get on the internet! As I said on a number of occasions, if you are happy then that's 95% of the business. Great shots, and here's to lots of fun with your new toy. And Dod, have you still got the nifty 50?....that must be a record!!
And Dod, have you still got the nifty 50?....that must be a record!!
I've actually used it too, must be coming down with something :p
The RSPB will be after you. You cant go around nailing ducks to branches :nono:
Great set of shots. Glad you like the MkIII
Thanks guys, I like the 1DMK111 that much I am thinking of selling the 1DSMK11 and getting a 2nd 1DMK111.
How does the IQ compare with the 1DsMKII -leaving aside the difference in MP's .
The ISO 800 looks roughly similar to what ISO400 appears on 1Ds MKII ?
The 1DMK111 handles a lot better than the 1DSMK11, and focus is a lot more accurate. But saying that the 1DSMK11 and the 1DMK11N are not slow or bad at focusing. I think the ISO is a lot better on the 1DMK111 than the other two. I would say at least 2 stops better and image's look cleaner as well. I do see a big difference in the pixel count though, the 1DSMK11 files are just fab.