North Wales - Part 2

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Following the cloudy conditions on Day 1, day 2 was altogether better. For the first six in this set, I used the 5D and Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8, which I have fallen in love with :love:.





framed tower.jpg


peacock 2.jpg


C & C welcome (y)
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Number two is spectacular! brilliant photo set but number 2 is deffinately my fave. Where abouts in north wales is it? i kind of recognise it from a couple of shots but cant for the love of god thing where from :LOL:
I love the tulips and the second peacock shot. The old stonework in the background on both gives a feeling of antiquity to them. All are good, though perhaps the doorway in number 1 is a bit blown out for my taste.
Nice set (y)

That peacock was very obliging :) I like the lead in line of the stones and wall in #3, #4 is a lovely tranquil scene, I like the framing in #5 although the clock tower maybe could do with a sharpen ;) , lovely burst of colour in #6 with the tulips :) and a very majestic pose in #7 :)
Not so keen on the first one - sorry :(
#7 and #8 for me - especially #7 - wonderful pose and capture and the expression (?) caught in 8 is priceless!

#2 and #3 next for me - I love the composition of #3 and #2 is just a classic!

Love the clock tower composition but its just a bit oof or soft as Donna says

Tulips are very nice as well!
Many thanks John. The clock tower was shot at f/32, as I was right under the tree, and the tower was miles away! I think the lens is somewhat in its diffractive region by then :). F/22 would probably have been okay. Ah well, will just have to go back up there to reshoot (y)