Birds on Benidorm beach!!

Neil McLeland
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OK, obviously not going to be quite what you thought from the title :D

Trip down to Benidorm today on a bit of business and couldn't resist taking a few photographs along the seafront. Appalling weather but neverthless...

#1 Those birds

#2 Palms against what little sun there was

#3 Colourful and grey at the same time

#4 Not so busy lifeguard station

#5 and some colour to finish

I did say the weather was appalling.... this was on the trip home across the mountains


Not always sunny here ;)

Thanks for looking and your comments welcome.

#3 for me, I just like these cabins. Good to see it's not all sun and skittles down in Espagna. The Sun's been cracking the flags in Southport. I like all of them a lot.
Good shots.

One for the summer would be number 4 without the rock a little more foreground (footprints leading to the hut) and with the sun going down (if the last part is possible, geographicly)
#3 for me, I just like these cabins. Good to see it's not all sun and skittles down in Espagna. The Sun's been cracking the flags in Southport. I like all of them a lot.

Thanks Russell, I was hoping someone might drag this out of "unanswered posts" ;). Glad the sun's been good for you. Today has been a good example to me that the sun doesn't have to shine to photograph stuff though :D

Snow in spain? :LOL: Some nice lines in those beach shots, (y)

Thanks Tim. Snow can be fun and I suppose, at least, we don't expect it to last long ;)

Good shots.

One for the summer would be number 4 without the rock a little more foreground (footprints leading to the hut) and with the sun going down (if the last part is possible, geographicly)

Good observation thank you, although if I retry this as a summer project it may be for a sunrise as this is east coast Spain :thinking:

These are excellent. :clap: Can't chose between #3 and #4 as a favourite. Nice snowy photo as well.

Thanks MrRigsby, comments most appreciated (y)

#3 for me and yes you got my interest with the title,
Thanks Billy! good choice (y) (IMO)