The Quiet Loch


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I went out with Daz for a few hours late this evening....cannot wait to see this place during the day!

1: Just Boats

2: Pre White Balance Tweak (Grangemouth Light Pollution)

3: After White Balance Tweak

Some issues...

Due to the wind, and the length of exposure, the tree tops are blurred. Due to lack of moonlight, and therefore indirect sunlight, even with 10 minute exposures, I was unable to get any foreground light on the trees. The compisition was hard to focus on, as we were actually IN the loch, albeit on little rocky islands. We could not see a thing, and none of us fancied a swim, so we grabbed a spot and tried to compose as best as possible.

I am going back real soon to complete this set. During the golden hours, will try for both a sunrise and a sunset, to contrast and compare. Once I get proper shots, these will be deleted.

C & C welcome,


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I actually like No3 a lot! if only those twigs were a bit more centered!
Cheers. Will be taking wellies and waders when I go back, its only 20 min drive from my house.
I prefer #2, the pollution does it for me. I would have been tempted to lose the foreground right twigs in some way with clone being my choice.
I have to say I agree with Russell. In number #3 there's some funny goings-on down at the bottom towards the left, where it looks like you've tried to pull back shadow detail.
I prefer #2, the pollution does it for me. I would have been tempted to lose the foreground right twigs in some way with clone being my choice.

Thanks Russ,

I will go back and make more the scene. Sometimes the long exposures in darkness really work and jump out at you, and other times, well other times you get results with troo many sacrifices (as in these)...still, just means I can look forward to trying again :)

I have to say I agree with Russell. In number #3 there's some funny goings-on down at the bottom towards the left, where it looks like you've tried to pull back shadow detail.


All I did with 3 was tweak white balance. I see the artifacts though. Reshoot required :D
Gary, these are really good. I think with the right conditions-no wind, a little moonlight etc you'll no doubt get a stunner! I really enjoy your work.
Gary, these are really good. I think with the right conditions-no wind, a little moonlight etc you'll no doubt get a stunner! I really enjoy your work.

:LOL: Ta, looking forward to developing the shot. Might go back for sunrise tomorrow morning, had planned today, but its pea soup outside - hopeless.
wow that last one is damn fantastic, like im blown away.

how do you focus is pitch darkness, jsut set it to infinity ?
wow that last one is damn fantastic, like im blown away.

how do you focus is pitch darkness, jsut set it to infinity ?

Focusing in the dark is a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR pain in the arse, especcially with a wide angle lens.

Sensible way:
Take a big torch and shine it on your focus point (if possible).

How I do it:
Last night I got Darrem to shine a mobile phone from, 5 or 6 ft away. I locked in the Autoficus, and went for it.

A torch is a much better way to do it though.
if you cropped a wee bit so the big clump of trees were just off center, it would look better IMHO
if you cropped a wee bit so the big clump of trees were just off center, it would look better IMHO


I want to isolate the island of trees on my next visit if possible. Might not be possible, will have a bash though :)

Thanks for commenting.
#1 for me (y).

Looks like the location has lots of potential.

Look forward to seeing more

#1 for me (y).

Looks like the location has lots of potential.

Look forward to seeing more


Well, I have decided its my "current project". I will not take another photo until I nail this location.
