Recent content by A_J

  1. A

    Rafale and Flanker combat

    Wow! Great image. I had to do a double take when I saw it! I thought it was real. I wonder which of these planes would actually win. I've just read your description in Flickr and it didn't make a word of sense though, could anyone explain it to me in simple terms? A
  2. A

    A day at the Mach Loop

    Really nice, I'm going to have to get myself to the loop one of these days. I can't help feeling that the more distant shots are a bit washed out though.
  3. A

    Night Flying - One more 'HUD Shot' added to first post

    Wow! Can't believe I missed these. Outstanding shots!
  4. A

    Mach loop...The end is neigh

    Training abroad is not a player. My husband is an RAF instructor and you couldn't imagine the logistic 'tail' behind flying training unless you experienced it first hand. Cheesy makes some valid points regarding the validity of low flying training; I'm sure the economic boost to Wales of the...
  5. A

    Air to Air Hawk shots and a non to subtle plug! - Updated 4

    I received my calenders today. Thats the stocking filler for my son and nephews sorted out. Outstanding value, the shots are fantastic. My favorite is December, who likes which month? A
  6. A

    Air to Air Hawk shots and a non to subtle plug! - Updated 4

    High visibility black! Wonders will never cease:thinking:. I suppose it makes sense looking up into a blue sky or against clouds, but it can't be the best colour at low level. The third shot of the new three is may favorite! A
  7. A

    Air to Air Hawk shots and a non to subtle plug! - Updated 4

    Such a shame its being painted back to black. (Why black anyway?) More shots please. A
  8. A

    Air to Air Hawk shots and a non to subtle plug! - Updated 4

    Lovely photos. The lighting is gorgeous. Which part of the country where these taken? When will you post more? AJ