Recent content by Adyc

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    Star Trails-High Wycombe area

    Hi, Now the snow is gone (for now), can anyone suggest a good spot for Star Trails in the High Wycombe/Wendover area please?
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    The Falls of Bruar

    I managed to get this shot during the snow, just wondered what people think, I'm a novice at processing, any advice much appreciated. The Falls of Bruar by Adyc1, on Flickr"] The Falls of Bruar by Adyc1, on Flickr[/URL]
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    Cleethorpes Sunrise

    Born and bred in Cleethorpes,particularly like shots 4&5.Great shots.
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    Red Kites-Wendover/Thame

    Thanks Stuart, a delayed response by me I know, but I had given up on someone responding. I'll have a look next week.
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    Sunset at the Lighthouse

    You made the right choice stunning shot, which is one more than England managed!!
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    A couple from Shropshire

    I recognize the backdrop, I'm off work this week and was going to walk it, but the weather hasn't really been up to it.
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    A couple from Shropshire

    Nice shots, I'm also in Shropshire, shows the subjects are out there. Is that out toward Church Stretton out of interest?
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    Really like the colour version, but the B&W is even better. The wispy clouds, and texture in the stones make it. Great work.
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    Some from The Lakes

    Awesome, these are the sort of shots that inspire me to get out and about. Great work.
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    Casinos and DSLR Rucksacks?

    I was stopped by an American there once as my camera was dangling by its strap. He said always hold your camera as thieves tended to cut the strap and run off with the camera. Don't intend to worry or alarm you, I've been there eight or nine times over the years with no problem whatsoever, but...
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    Red Kites-Wendover/Thame

    Hi, Can anyone suggest a spot to get photos of Red Kites in the Wendover/Thame area please? TIA
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    How do I Phot an Owl?

    Thanks for all the replies so far, just the sort of advice I am looking for, Twit Twoo, pretty much the sound you would expect, which from what people have said sounds like a Tawny. If ever I manage a shot like he "gratuitous" one you showed I will be a happy man. Thanks again.
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    How do I Phot an Owl?

    Hi, I'm looking for some advice from the experienced owl photographers, I have always wanted to get a shot of an owl, and I know there are some in the woods nearby as I can hear them. I would guess that I need to find their hunting zones, but when do I do this? Dusk? Twilight? Any advice...
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    My Scottish Highlands Trip - A image per day

    Really nice shot Jon, I love looking at shots like this, it makes me want to get out and take some myself.
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    Waves crashing over the pier

    I really like that one, the sky, the waves, the shot as a whole.