Recent content by Alex Lindsay

  1. Alex Lindsay


    Anyone know roughly how much it would cost to have a body replaced on a 1Ds? Mine got knocked over whilst on the tripod and it cracked the magnesium case:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:. it still works perfectly, but fear that it will affect the resale value as i would dearly love to replace it with a...
  2. Alex Lindsay

    Long exposure at the beach

    Must be some Uni that has a built in
  3. Alex Lindsay

    John Lindsay's 52 - A Photo A Week for a Year UPDATED to Week 22

    You should give your pictures a name and expalin the reason behind them as well.
  4. Alex Lindsay

    Canon OUch!

    Give you £50 for it!
  5. Alex Lindsay

    Sweetness and innocence - NOT!

    He can fairly do a bit of farting, I can se his tail is almost frazzled......
  6. Alex Lindsay

    365 : A self portrait every day for one year

    Ever had your blood suger levels checked?
  7. Alex Lindsay

    365 : A self portrait every day for one year

    How will you ever manage to get that green stuff off?
  8. Alex Lindsay


    Now that you have looked at f numbers, is there not a paragraph that relates to holding you camera straight?
  9. Alex Lindsay

    365 (366) Shots

    Hi there I have a question for the moderators. Would it be possible to put all the 365 (366) shots on the one thread. It would be easier for us all to find them. Thanks in anticipation. Regards
  10. Alex Lindsay

    Cannon from a different angle

    If you sort out the horizon, you will then have a crooked spier on the church! Maybe you should clone it out.