Recent content by Android

  1. Android

    Portait Photography

    Hi, Matthew, and welcome. Try signing up to ephotozine ( It's free and full of really good stuff. Tutorials and tips covering just about every topic including portrait photography. Andy.
  2. Android

    New to site

    Hi, Des, and welcome. I like all your shots, especially #1, for some reason. What do you think about getting rid of the green blob in the top right hand corner of #1? Andy.
  3. Android

    Let's dance before we screw

    Nice shots, rob. I'm in awe of your imagination!
  4. Android

    Newbie here

    Welcome, Ian, I's sure you will soon get as sucked-in as the rest of us! Andy.
  5. Android

    Manfrotto after sales let down.

    Trev, it shouldn't matter that your problem was a small or trivial one. The product was faulty and that's all there is to it. I agree with you that Manfrotto should have been much more helpful and ready to hold their hands up. Given their reputation I would have expected much more. Andy.
  6. Android

    Newbie Saying HI!

    Welcome Alison. My own photography began as an accompaniment to journalism and has moved on to nature and still-life. Why, I'm not sure; I'm more autistic than artistic! Andy.
  7. Android


    Bob, I wouldn't worry about the light too much. The diffused daylight makes this a lovely pic. The subtle colours are caught beautifully, and the catchlight is the icing on the cake. Andy.
  8. Android

    Quick intro and Hello

    Hello Andy, and welcome. This forum is a great place to seek and offer advice, so I'm sure you will be in demand! (Another) Andy.
  9. Android

    Some recents shots - C&C please!

    Paige, a really lovely set. I can't put my finger on what's amiss with the redshank, but the bird doesn't stand out boldly enough (imo) against the background. The picture of the stonechat is superb; it really rocks!!! Andy.
  10. Android

    Old John - Bradgate Park

    Gareth, the B&W treatment has given this a great moody and atmospheric feel. The way the light falls on the masonry robs it of some detail and texture, so would it be worth trying again at a different time of day? I love the way the sky looks: brooding and sinister. You could also try correcting...
  11. Android

    port Isaac Street

    Dan, I think these old streets can work well in b&w too, and I think you have the tones and contrast just right. It might be worth spending a little time getting rid of the obvious road repairs and the manhole. Also, the sky where it meets the roofline looks rather photoshopped, as if you...
  12. Android

    hippy owl

    Hi, Mex, I love this pic - tickles me no end. Trouble is, I expect some humourless git is reporting you to the drug squad right this minute! Andy.
  13. Android

    Best place to sell a lens?

    Sorry, All, I'm just going to go back to the original topic of this thread. I recently pxed a lens and a tripod with London Camera Exchange (branches all over the place). Got a pretty good deal, I think. I don't think you need to buy from them necessarily if you just want to sell. Andy.
  14. Android

    approaching a shot

    Gareth, I expect we've all been there at one time or another!. In part, you answer your own question when you reject an image. Why are you rejecting it? If you can answer the question you are on the way to the solution. Don't be disheartened, persevere and simply learn from your mistakes. Godd luck!
  15. Android

    Slavonian Grebes

    I've got to agree with all the above, Ken. Lovely shots of lovely birds. Being the nit-picking old git that I am I just wondered if you used any sort of polariser? There just seems to be quite a lot of glare coming off the water.