Recent content by Arkady001

  1. Arkady001

    Beginner Real World Back Button Focusing?

    Who's trolling? This started as a discussion about back focusing... You stated you couldn't tell the difference, but then went on to admit that you don't consider AF to be important to you personally and that furthermore, you use a camera with possibly the worst-performing AF module on the...
  2. Arkady001

    Beginner Real World Back Button Focusing?

    That's not really about respecting or giving equal weight to the opinions of people who are ignorant of the subject under discussion though...
  3. Arkady001

    Beginner Real World Back Button Focusing?

    Actually it isn't. It's literally the opposite. While I would value - or at least consider - the opinions of those who can demonstrate a knowledge and experience of photographic technique, I won't do the same for some random who picked up a camera yesterday.
  4. Arkady001

    Beginner Real World Back Button Focusing?

    Well since the AF sensor in the Df is abysmal to begin with - I have one too - it's hardly surprising you don't notice any difference. Quite why Nikon chose literally the worst performing AF sensor for the Df out of their parts bin is a mystery... according to Nikon it gives the user a more...
  5. Arkady001

    Ilford XP2 Super 24 Exposure 35mm Film

    I have a couple of mates who would sell their kids for that landy...
  6. Arkady001

    Beginner Real World Back Button Focusing?

    Maybe you just haven't yet found yourself in situations where they're not...?
  7. Arkady001

    Beginner Real World Back Button Focusing?

    Depends on the light and subject. In some lighting conditions, even PAFT isn't infallible. As others have alluded to, there's no one solution to all situations - you pick the right tool for the job as it presents itself.
  8. Arkady001

    Does feeding garden birds do more harm than good?

    Given the sharp decline in the insect population in recent years, I fail to see how putting a few seeds and nuts out is going to tip the balance... If you want a bird feeder in your garden go for it. My biggest problem was that bloody starlings and pigeons chased off the smaller birds I was more...
  9. Arkady001

    Beginner Real World Back Button Focusing?

    I've used BBF since I first heard about it in the mid 00s... Mike54 gives one example, but even shooting portraits and nudes, I find it more intuitive - I used to find that once the AF locked, that if you used shutter-button AF, the camera would try to re-focus and sometimes lose lock completely...
  10. Arkady001

    Camera advice

    If you just want a new camera, buy one. But there's nothing wrong with the D750 in terms of IQ, ISO and DR... Personally I'd buy a new lens to shoot the kids with - a fast 50 will go nicely with the 35.
  11. Arkady001

    Ilford XP2 Super 24 Exposure 35mm Film

    Yup, since they're printing on colour paper and most operators couldn't be bothered to go into the Minilab printer settings and change them for one roll of film. The Fuji Frontier actually does a pretty decent job of it on Fujicolor Crystal Archive paper if you tweak the settings. You can save...
  12. Arkady001

    Langford's pre-digital editions...

    Just scored the 1997 6th edition (no digital) for a fiver on Ebay, so that's 'Basic' covered...
  13. Arkady001

    Langford's pre-digital editions...

    Does anyone know offhand which editions of Langford's Basic and Advanced were pre-digital? I lost my copies sometime between 2005 and 2010 and would like to do some revision. The only reference/tech books I have left now are some old Time-Life ones (square, black format) and the Ilford...
  14. Arkady001

    Ilford XP2 Super 24 Exposure 35mm Film

    It's fine. Especially for a quick test run... I used it a lot on deployments where only C-41 minilabs were available. Quality will depend on the minilab used and how diligent the operator is in maintaining the chemistry. Don't expect great scans from minilabs though... even the 'hi-res' option...
  15. Arkady001

    Blank films after developing

    I assumed earlier when you said 'blank' that you meant the negs were clear, indicating unexposed... If the film is opaque, it got exposed somehow... If it had fogged during processing, it would be unevenly distributed (unless you held the whole strip up to a window or something), with varying...