Recent content by autosvet

  1. autosvet

    "Our Heart is Big"

    Nikon D50 + Nikor 24-120VR + SB800@SU4 mode
  2. autosvet

    Eyes of a Stranger

    No reaction ... :confused:
  3. autosvet

    Koncheto ridge

    Thanks for the good words :) Mike I went over this ridge, climbed peak Kutelo, went down and then climbed Vihren to see this: Was worth it!
  4. autosvet

    Hi from Svet :)

    Thanks :) sbowler579 I repost mountain picture with a bit of info in one new thread.
  5. autosvet

    Koncheto ridge

    Koncheto ("The Foal / The Horsie") is a name given to a ridge in the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria, at an altitude of approximately 2,810 metres, between the peaks Banski Suhodol (2,884 meters) and Kutelo (2,908 metres)(on picture). There are steep slopes on either side: the north-western side (in...
  6. autosvet

    Hi from Svet :)

    Thanks Sarah and Sara :)
  7. autosvet

    Eyes of a Stranger

    Nikon D200 + Sigma 70-200/2.8
  8. autosvet

    Eyes of a Stranger

    An attempt for photo essay about a blind man called "Eyes of a Stranger":
  9. autosvet

    Hi from Svet :)

    Hallo everybody, I am Svet and live in Edinburgh. Shooting interesting moments and people near 8 years. I prefer to photographing people but also like some other genres e.g. landscapes, street, cityscapes, concerts ... Some pictures (they talk much better):