Recent content by banjodeano

  1. banjodeano


    Thanks for the advice guys, i am pretty new at this, and not very good with my free Gimp softaware
  2. banjodeano


    Critical comments welcome
  3. banjodeano

    On the beach

  4. banjodeano

    Sunsets at Whitby

    I was just on my tiptoes poking over the wall, quite lucky really....although i was prepared to climb over the Thanks....i am still very much a novice
  5. banjodeano

    Where to get my picture printed

    What about canvas guys? i am still toying as to which picture to get printed, and whether to go for gloss or lustre, but my mate recommends canvas can be quite appealing although you lose picture quality? thoughts?
  6. banjodeano

    Sunsets at Whitby

    any comments welcomed...
  7. banjodeano

    Where to get my picture printed

    Thanks for the link....what type of finish do you think would look best for a sunset picture, lustre or gloss.?
  8. banjodeano

    Where to get my picture printed

    Hiya, I am pretty much a novice that has just recently got back into photography, i have managed to capture an image that i am quite happy with, i want to get it blown up to a decent size and have it framed, my question is, do the cheap printing shops (asda etc) do decent quality prints, or am i...
  9. banjodeano

    Enniscrone baths

    yeah, thats better, what have you used to do that?
  10. banjodeano

    Enniscrone baths

    Thanks Kodiak, now changed
  11. banjodeano

    Enniscrone baths

    please tell me how to do that...i tried re sizing and it wouldnt let me upload it, what do i need to do? many thanks Dean
  12. banjodeano

    Enniscrone baths

    Guys, i took this a few days ago, i quite like the image, and would like to put it in a frame for the wall, how could i improve the finished product? i have gimp, but if i am to be honest, i am not great with it. i think it need cropping somewhat, and what about the light? i am pretty much a...
  13. banjodeano

    Water on your lens whilst taking a picture

    I am buy no means an expert with the camera, still a definite novice. But when i took my last few pictures,on a wet cloudy, windy, rainy, sleety..........and just about everything else the weather could throw at me day, one or two of my pictures had water marks on the lens, and i know the marks...
  14. banjodeano


    Thanks Yellowbelly...great advice there, the first picture i get what you are saying, but i thought just stone on its own would be a little boring, and the tree may give it a little aspect....but your right, it doesnt sort or work....the second one, yes i could kick myself for not getting the...
  15. banjodeano

    Gone to Seed

    Great..bluebells look best to me