Recent content by bendyroberts

  1. B

    House on the hill

    Love this shot! Great composition draws you in so much. I felt the track looks a little over sharpened or something in the foreground but that's just a preference thing I guess. Brilliant!
  2. B

    St Paul's at night

    brilliant! love the the contrast of st Pauls against the bridge. Love that you managed to get such an original shot of such a well known landmark.
  3. B

    Abandoned Hospital, Leeds.

    great set. I love the lighting from the skylights in the first few.
  4. B

    Canterbury Cathedral - A little HDR !

    I don't normally like the HDR style but for some reason I really like this.
  5. B

    Cannock Chase Robin

    Great shot!
  6. B

    Slimbridge Wetlands

    love #4,5 and 6!
  7. B

    Red Kites

    Such a lovely bird to watch, great to see them making a come back. Very nice idea really captures the movement of the bird.
  8. B

    Grey squirrel

    Lovely shot, the mud on his nose really adds some character.
  9. B

    Few Herons...

    I like the colors in #2 but I think #3 is the winner for me. Nice shots.
  10. B

    Grey Seals

    I think Number 2 is my favorite, the foreground focus in number 1 seems a little odd was this done in post prod. Stunning set though very jealous!
  11. B

    Wild Kingfisher

    Cracking Shot!
  12. B


    Brilliant! colors look great, makes me think of an alien planet!
  13. B

    Once loved.....(Mono Added)

    I have to agree stunning shot but I would have liked a more subtle Vignett but of course that's subjective.
  14. B

    Playing with light

    I think I prefer the first one, how many exposures did they take? I would love to know how you took them both!
  15. B

    Black and White Spitfire air to air composite - F-16 Image added

    awesome photo of a stunning plane!