Recent content by Big Og

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  2. Big Og

    Peak District waterfall

    Cracking shot. Really like this.
  3. Big Og

    Tiger 1050

    Nice bike. Exactly what I had prior to getting the Explorer, same colour to. Like the shot but as previously stated the 3 posts and the gull spoil the shot. Personally I would have got down low as a snakes belly shooting it in landscape so the bike is above the horizon. Regards Keith
  4. Big Og

    The Slaughter House

    Thanks Guys. I do have a colour copy and will have a dabble with that with taking in your comments. Wont be till next week as away this weekend, but cheers for the comments. Really appreciate them
  5. Big Og

    Battersea Sunset

    Very nice, loving the composition
  6. Big Og

    Deer at the Slaughter House

    Not what your thinking on Halloween, the Stag was just making himself a bit more presentable to some of the local Doe. DSC_1549_edited-2 by keithogden747, on Flickr As per, all comments welcome Keith
  7. Big Og

    Heron @ Dunham yesterday

    Had a wander round Dunham Park yesterday with a view to capture some autumn colour but managed this shot of the local Heron DSC_6572_edited-2 by keithogden747, on Flickr A little distant but I like it. All comments welcome Keith
  8. Big Og

    The Slaughter House

    I had a walk around Dunham Massey yesterday to try and ease my back problems (Under the advice of the doctor I may add) I actually posted this yesterday but what with the change over, I think they were lost in the never never. DSC_1484_5_6_7_8_tonemapped copy_edited-1 by keithogden747, on...
  9. Big Og

    Storm's A Comin'...

    Cracking set of images. loving the moody sea. There are some numptys about though (3)
  10. Big Og

    An Autumn Tapestry, Rydal Waters, Lake District

    Quality shot. Very nice indeed
  11. Big Og

    Sunset Photographers

    Very nice grab shot but if i were to be critical, I would have used a bit mor sky, but thats just me. Top shot
  12. Big Og

    Little owl on a breezy night

    Very nice shot.
  13. Big Og

    A couple from Dunham Park

    Hi Yes, I must admit, i seen them there a few times but i never have my camera with me. Thanks for your comments Keith
  14. Big Og

    A couple from Dunham Park

    Many thanks for the feedback all. Much appreciated
  15. Big Og

    A couple from the garden

    Evening. Got a bit bored last weekend and took the Macro into the garden and managed these 2. The spider I must add, was rather big :eek: As per, comments gratefully received Keith European Garden Spider_edited-1 by keithogden747, on Flickr Sheild Bug_edited-1 by...