Recent content by biggles1979

  1. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    It is true, however, if you use a battery grip as long as you put the genuine one in first for the camera to recognise you can then use a third party one or I think it's one for the othe version of it from Nikon (think it's for a p3100?) for the second. I do this and can confirm it works.
  2. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    The 35mm f1.8 is a super lens, very nice image quality and good in low light. The 18-200 (if anything like my sigma 18-250) needs better light to get any images with as its max aperture is around 5.6, also the images are not nearly as sharp but it's a nice one to have as a do it all... Although...
  3. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    I have a third party grip, at the time Nikon didn't make one (do they now...does it do anything different?). For me it makes it much more comfortable as it increases the size of the hand grip and also means I can use a cheaper p7000 battery as the second. I take it off when I want the camera...
  4. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    I was using AF-C at an airshow last weekend for most of the day and I sucks battery power (although that may depend on the lens). I have a battery grip fitted and all batteries were fully charged but only lasted half a day per set (2 sets of 2 batteries used for the day). I guess in short, yes...
  5. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    Menu >> white balance >> preset manual >> measure >> follow directions (take photo of something white). This setting will then be stored under 'PRE' wb until you change it.
  6. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    Take a look in the main menus for the wb (can't remember the exact option and not got my camera with me at the moment but its not hard to find), you can make manual adjustments in there... not sure if/how it saves them, not played with it much.
  7. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    Well I can confirm its all working so I'll be getting another £6.99 battery :)
  8. biggles1979

    New Lens help

    Hi, I have the 150-500 on my D3100 if you wanted to know anything specific. Not used it for sports but have been having a go at some wildlife, I've been really pleased so far and its the best my budget will go (second hand off of these forums) You need to stop it down to f8 to find the sweet...
  9. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    Hi guys, Just thought I'd share this info: I got a spare battery ages ago (at around £40) and for Christmas I got a battery grip for my D3100 (anyone else got one?) and have found it a lot more comfortable to use and the power from a pair of batteries lasts...
  10. biggles1979

    bird lens

    I recently got the sigma 150-500 second-hand on here, I am certainly pleased with it but would say the gain you get from 300 to 500 isn't as much as you'd think. I think a lot of people upgrade from this to a Nikon 300 f4 prime, unless they can afford the 600 prime which I think is the lens of...
  11. biggles1979

    What lens for street photography

    Well said that man!
  12. biggles1979

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    The things I was looking at myself were the built in motor, more focus points (including the cross type), bracketing, the ability to focus correct lenses, higher res screen, higher fps, sealed body and a few other little tweaks. Like I said, the D3100 is a great camera and I have learned a lot...
  13. biggles1979

    My Robin & Great Tit

    Thanks, #1 is more traditional I suppose but it was singing it's heart out and it seemed a shame not to include the shot.
  14. biggles1979

    Robin & Greatit

    Nice shots Ann, seems we were up to the same thing today :) I like the feather detail in #1 but #2 is probably my favourite - looks like your having fun with your new lens!
  15. biggles1979

    My Robin & Great Tit

    After everyone said I should have a picture of a Robin after posting my Kingfisher I thought I'd better have a go! 1. 2. 3. 4. Also managed to snap this one as I went back to my car, will definitely be back to get closer another day! 5. Thanks for looking, Ian