Recent content by briamagee

  1. briamagee

    Underwater photos

    This is one type of photography that I very much want to learn. Can anyone post some tips or tutorials please?
  2. briamagee

    Books for novice photographers

    Yes! I definitely recommend "Understanding Exposure" - A must read especially for beginners.
  3. briamagee

    Spring Photography Contest :)

    Hey guys! It's our time to show our own creativity and artistic skills in photography this season of spring. BackdropExpress is sponsoring a "Spring Youth Photo Contest" Check out how:
  4. briamagee

    beginner needs advise in flash.

    It's good that this topic has been brought up here. This is sometimes the problem that needed some help. have learned a lot. Thanks!:)
  5. briamagee

    Online photography course

    Thanks for sharing the resources for online tutorials. Big help indeed!
  6. briamagee

    What to learn first in Photography?

    Hi! I'm a newbie in photography. I wanted to start from the basics of photography. Can anyone share thoughts on what are the basic things to learn first? Thanks!
  7. briamagee

    Links to information for beginners

    Glad to have found all those great sites that can help me learn more being a newbie in photography. I've also found this one site that I was inspire to start my own mini studio at home :)
  8. briamagee

    Newbie here ;)

    Hi guys! Briana here..It's fun being in this forum where I can share and learn a lot of things about photography. See yah Around!;)