Recent content by BryKaty

  1. B

    Amateur - "open"

    Hi everyone This week my friends are I are doing a "photo challenge." Today's word was "open" and I snapped this shot earlier. The top photo is of course the original and the rest I have cropped to focus more on the opening of the door. These were taken on my iphone so the quality is not very...
  2. B

    Happy breakfast

    Made a smiley out of my breakfast.. have a good sunday everyone! *smile* A good day by bryonykate2, on Flickr
  3. B

    "Leafy photos"

    TheAndyA and Idlefrog thank you so much! Although I haven't been taking photos for long I really do love it..everyday I take out an hour or two and just go for a walk or look around for inspiration. I find it so relaxing and hope to get better with lots of practice :)
  4. B

    Photography in Oxford

    Thanks great suggestions! Have no plans for tomorrow so I'll go on a little exploring trip :)
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    "Leafy photos"

    Any feedback would be appreciated :) Taken on iPhone..just started taking photos about a week ago. 4 by bryonykate2, on Flickr 3 by bryonykate2, on Flickr 1 by bryonykate2, on Flickr 2 by bryonykate2, on Flickr
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    Photography in Oxford

    Hi everyone I am currently studying at university in Oxford and just wondered if there was anyone who knows the area that could recommend some good places to get some shots? Of course there is the main city with all of the beautiful buildings but I was wanting to go somewhere to take a few...
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    My photos of the Thames and trees..

    Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all your tips. I'll be honest I posted on another photography website and the feedback was really kinda brutal!! Not just "constructive criticism" but basically just plain rude so thanks so much for being so helpful and kind. I'm really looking forward to...
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    amateur- photos of churches

    anything constructive to say?
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    amateur- photos of churches

    I took these on my iPhone camera so quality isn't great. Only developed an interest in photography about 9 days ago..any feedback would be fantastic :) IMG_1474 by bryonykate2, on Flickr IMG_1598 by bryonykate2, on Flickr IMG_1552 by bryonykate2, on Flickr 1 by bryonykate2...
  10. B

    Opinions on my photos? complete amateur!

    Oops sorry Alastair spelt your name have the same name as my dad and he spells it with an i so was automatic! sorry about that
  11. B

    Opinions on my photos? complete amateur!

    Thank you Alistair! Great tip and thanks its good to be here :)
  12. B

    My photos of the Thames and trees..

    Just started taking photos a week ago..taken on my iPhone so quality isn't great. Am saving up for a proper camera but wanted to give this "photography thing" a whirl and see if I was any good first :) Could I please get some feedback? Thanks in advance! IMG_2150 by bryonykate2, on Flickr...
  13. B

    rainy day in north yorkshire

    love all of these photos..I've visited yorkshire a few times and absolutely love it these photos make me want to go back!
  14. B

    Opinions on my photos? complete amateur!

    Hi everyone For Christmas a few years back I got given a really amazing camera. I went to Zanzibar a few months later and used the camera a lot and got some great shots, however I have barely used it since. I decided to start taking more photos again and as I live in Oxford I feel there are...