Recent content by Camelpaw

  1. C

    Bargain 60D

    It's ridiculous that it's still up for sale... Direct as a whole is a complete sham
  2. C

    Bargain 60D

    From Source For the two bits in bold: 1. Isn't a contract formed when they take your money? And whatever they say in their T&C's can't just overrule the law, else it would say 'Any purchases from this website do not give you any protection from the Sales of Goods Act, etc.' :S 2. I think...
  3. C

    Bargain 60D

    Guys, this is a great place to make your comments heard :)
  4. C

    Tiny Planet App

    Ooh awesome, gunna check if it's available for Andriod! :D
  5. C

    Coastal Locations

    West Wittering is amazing! Go there!
  6. C

    Top tip for a day out with the camera......

    I've made this mistake too many times! Doh! :(
  7. C

    Crystal Palace Transmitter

    That's crazy, looks like Independence Day! :o
  8. C

    HTC Desire - Little Photo App

    Not bad, but it does look like a 13 year old got hold of Photoshop, no offense lol :)
  9. C

    Free editing software

    As has been recommending, GIMP is good for free software :)
  10. C

    Took this on my new phone

    Amazing photos for a phone! :)
  11. C

    Turn your 35mm SLR into a dSLR!

    Haha, awesome site :D
  12. C

    Red 6 Legged Elephant with no ears

    Great photo mate :)
  13. C

    Kitten Block - My new favourite plugin/addon

    Haha, awesome idea! :D
  14. C

    iPhone best camera app?

    Picplz is good. I've got it for HTC though so not sure if it's available for iPhone?
  15. C

    HTC Desire good enough to replace snapshot camera?

    Desire HD here and although the camera is pretty good, it sucks in low-light and can never really replace a proper camera IMO.