Recent content by Captain_Kangaroo

  1. C

    Dusk Photography suggested settings

    It's a panasonic GH4 on a S900
  2. C

    Dusk Photography suggested settings

    Hi, I'm looking at taking some dusk shots using a drone and I'm just trying to figure out what I should put the camera in?? All my aerial photos to date have been during the day so never really had this conundrum. The camera will be stable but not like a tripod, more like handheld. The...
  3. C | Fraudulent - avoid!

    Hi Modchild, I made my 'error' back in may '11 when the account was still open. The police looked into it and I spoke with someone in CID who was aware of it, but I forget his name. At the time they said kiss goodbye to seeing any money as the chances are its already been withdrawn to an...
  4. C | Fraudulent - avoid!

    Interesting that the boys in blue have caught up with the person involved. Finally! Any ideas who to contact with regards to the outside chance of getting some money back? It's odd that this thread resurfaced as only today I binned my police report from when I got stung! I've fished it back...
  5. C

    First moom attempt

    Taken with Nikon D5100, tamron 70/300 @300 mm. F/16 200 iso 1250
  6. C

    Which filters?

    I was looking for something to fit my Sigma 10-20 lens. Would these be ok then or would something else be better. Like I say I wasn't looking to spend too much until I get the hang of it.
  7. C

    Which filters?

    Thanks for the replies. The colour ones didn't really interest me - couldn't see me using them. Was more interested in the ND filters for long exposures. I'll take a look at your suggestions. (any links ?) Cheers
  8. C

    Which filters?

    I'M looking to get some filters to take some landscape shots and seen these on the bay. I know their cheap, but just wanted to give it a try without spending loads of dosh! Any suggestions on which filters to choose?
  9. C

    Arms folded!

    Great shot!! How the heck do you manage to get a shot like that. Every time I get near anything with wings or legs it buggers off!
  10. C

    Extreem winds HDR

    The joys of not really knowing what your doing!! I just loaded the 3 shots into photoshop's automated HDR tool and this is what it spat out. I'm guessing the best thing might be to adjust each image slightly first and then try again? Oh, and they were from my hotel room with the camera...
  11. C

    Extreem winds HDR

    Just got got back from Croatia and experienced the Bora winds!! Gusts of 180kmph were blowing the sea backwards!! I'm not sure why but the trees in No. 1 to the left look odd. Maybe too dark?
  12. C

    Dubrovnik at night

    Taken with a 35mm prime, but it's an old AF and not DX lens so having to manual focus which is not something I've really done before. Was also balanced on the railing from my balcony at the hotel!!! No post editing, just out the camera.
  13. C

    Street shot

    Thanks, All done with iPhoto on my iPad!
  14. C

    Street shot

    How about this?