Recent content by cbs

  1. cbs

    Clevedon Pier

    This is a shot, which I hope I managed to salvage, as it did not turn-out anything as I had hoped it would. It was meant to be a long exposure, but I was in a rush when I left the house, and grabbed the first dark filter I saw which turned-out to be my polariser instead of my 10-stopper. Then my...
  2. cbs

    Infrared conversion - what should I know?

    My concern exactly. Student budget here :/
  3. cbs

    Infrared conversion - what should I know?

    I'm thinking of having my old 350D converted to infrared. Is there anything I should know? Who does the conversion best (or are they all the same?), and what can I expect in terms of differences in operation of the camera, if any?
  4. cbs

    10 Stop - Inspiration Required......

    Ideal of course are bodies of water, but in the absence of those, long exposures of busy roads are the obvious ones, although be sure that there are no trees on the road, as the branches always come-out with (what I find to be) an awful "wave-y" sort of pattern...
  5. cbs

    The Arches

    My first post=-processing in LR after deciding to move from Aperture, and I just wanted to share, to see if anybody has any comments regarding this. I'm not sure whether or not I should warm the blue edges to the lamps, or whether it ties-in nicely with the far background. Taken on/with...
  6. cbs

    Screw-in ND and slot-in ND grads; possible/worth it?

    I have my eye on a screw-in 10-stop, namely the Heliopan (if anybody has any better suggestions though, I'm open), and I was wondering if it would still be possible to use slot-in filters over the top of the screw-in to darken skies or whatever. Does anybody know if the Heliopan has front-facing...
  7. cbs

    Telephoto for landscapes?

    I've done landscapes at 200mm. Note that there cannot be *any* wind at all, or ground movements (train tracks nearby, heavy machinery, etc...). The slightest breeze will ruin your shot as any vibrations are magnified in proportion to zoom.
  8. cbs

    What they should put on cameras.

    Not necessarily what they can "put on", but what they could also bring back: eye-controlled focus.
  9. cbs

    Doing first all prime wedding today

    If you have a 50mm too, I don't think it would go unused...
  10. cbs

    Canon 1D mk4 lens for Landscapes

    I have a 1DMkIV, and a 16-35 ƒ2.8L II Although it works out at 21mm with the 1.3 cf, it's a good combination. If the worst comes to the worst, I take a couple of shots and stitch them, but I've never had any issues with that combination. Go for it! The only awkward thing is that the 16-35...
  11. cbs

    New tripod + head

    am currently using an absolutely ancient SLIK, which used to be my father's back in the '80s. Needless to say, the time is about ripe for a new tripod, although I must admit to being rather confused by the bewildering array on offer. I'm tempted by the Manfrotto 055/057 series, but apart from...
  12. cbs

    BUDGET of £2000 - Please help spec a Canon setup!

    Dull suggestion I know, but a 50mm is never a bad choice. Even on an APS-H body is still works as a fantastic all-rounder. Also if he's doing theatre photography, he'll want a nice fast lens because d lighting. Too much ISO ruins :/
  13. cbs

    Israel, June 2011

    50mm ƒ/1.4 at ISO 250, 1/100, and ƒ1.4 16-35mm ƒ/2.8L II at ISO 50, (exposure is for some reason given as 12/923), and ƒ/8 16-35mm ƒ/2.8L II at ISO 160, 1/40, and ƒ/2.8 16-35mm ƒ/2.8L II at ISO 500, (exposure is once again given as 10/303), and ƒ/4
  14. cbs

    Israel, June 2011

    Thanks! Yup, I did go; the man about whom you talked, I actually shot at the Wailing Wall. Unfortunately my shots of the wall itself turned out completely useless :(
  15. cbs

    Israel, June 2011

    A selection of a few pictures I took in Israel a few weeks ago. Any critique/suggestions welcomed; I'm always learning! All taken on Canon 1D MkIV: 50mm ƒ/1.4 at ISO 400, 1/125, and ƒ/1.4 50mm ƒ/1.4 Sigma 70-300mm ƒ4-5.6 at ISO 50, 1/1000, and ƒ/5 A sneaky HDR...