Recent content by Chaos

  1. C

    Laptop not booting,hard drive has multiple damaged sectors, trying to recover data!

    When recovering data its better if the drive is connected to ide or sata ports. Some free software you can try - Recuva Testdisc Paid but affordable - R-Studio
  2. C

    Free Online Fundamentals of Digital Photography

    Enjoyed this, looking forward to part 2.
  3. C

    Data recovery

    I've had good luck on the past with recuva and photorec
  4. C

    Best place to register a domain name?

    I always use 123reg never had any issues.
  5. C

    Which windows Operating system?

    Windows 7, XP is so old now I wouldn't go back to it.
  6. C

    New Keyboard.

    I have a G15, I think my next keyboard will be a mechanical one but they are kinda pricey.
  7. C

    Tinyeye reverse search made me laugh.

    Google recently brought out a reverse image search, quite handy
  8. C

    Ftp in IE8 or Firefox

    You could try using the FireFTP addon for firefox.
  9. C

    recommend a netbook please

    Asus Eee range are usually decent.
  10. C

    Blank DVD's

    Doh I read it as burning quality, as for actual printing using a printer I have no idea how good they are.
  11. C

    Blank DVD's

    Yeah I have used lots of Aones for backups and not had any coasters.
  12. C

    Blank DVD's

    Aone are probably the best bang for the buck brand imo Verbatin for premium discs. I would only use premium if it was something that was very important to archive.
  13. C

    Please help!

    There are a few program you could try - Freeware: PhotoRec, TestDisk and Recuva Paid for: File Scavenger , GetDataBack, RecoverMyFiles
  14. C

    Recover images after deleting - Help

    I know a few folk that had good luck with Photorec -
  15. C

    Having trouble installing XP from scratch

    Yeah very weird, glad its up and running now.