Recent content by Chris.S

  1. C

    Morston quay at dawn

    Beautiful shot, can't find anything to fault with it!
  2. C

    Honda Integra DC5 - Round 2

    Nice set of shots there, Love the DC5 and these shots do it justice! Only critique would be in the first photo maybe layering the pallets on the right with less saturation so you achieve an almost grayscale background- making the car stand out even more! Still a good picture though :thumbs:
  3. C

    Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500

    3 and 12 are favourites, but they are all well exposed and sharp shots :thumbs: :)
  4. C

    1st time strobist - MX5 inside

    I like the picture and the car! Only improvement could be cropping the bit of structure on the right, although it does kind of add to the environment of the shot :thumbs:
  5. C

    Lightpainted MX5

    Both shots are excellent and the car is stunning!
  6. C


    Great shot! :thumbs: Very well captured.
  7. C

    Reed Bunting?

    Two great shots there, great detail and DOF in both :thumbs:
  8. C

    Canon Fit "Budget - £150" Telephoto Lens - Suggestions?

    55-250 by a mile, excellent lens can be picked up for very cheap :)
  9. C

    Wildlife Photography Lens

    I second the sigma 150-500, heavy but a great lens to use :thumbs:
  10. C

    Red Fox in Snow

    Great set of shots, that last one is brilliant, award winning stuff!
  11. C

    Leighton Moss & Rive Bala Goosander

    I agree, a very nice shot besides that though, sharp and well exposed :)
  12. C

    Few MTB shots with my new 7D

    Nice shots man, the lighting is great, especially in number 1! :)
  13. C


    Great detail in this shot, nice one :thumbs:
  14. C

    Winter Robin in Snow

    Well captured! Love the snow on the beak :) Got to love a robin in the snow.