Recent content by Click_Blue

  1. C

    Arena Tripods?!

    It's a shame :(. I don't understand why they would stop stocking arguably the best tripods lol.
  2. C

    Arena Tripods?!

    Really? Because I'm on their website and under new equipment it shows only the Arena range. I've not selected a specific store, so would presume it means the same for everywhere. Where is you store? Daniel
  3. C

    Arena Tripods?!

    I have a £170 credit note to use in London Camera Exchange and really want to get a new tripod with it. However, it seems that they only have the Arena range. I've tried looking on the web about the range but I can find very little. According to their website the Arena Pro tripod got a five star...
  4. C

    Metering and White Balance?

    I was just wondering, what is the difference between metering and white balance?
  5. C

    C+C Prague Picture

    Yeah, that's one of my criticisms too. But, I can't crop it out or else it would jeopardize the composition. :( It was the last sprint up the hill where the castle is. Beautiful place!
  6. C

    C+C Prague Picture

    This is one of my favourite Prague pictures that I took a couple of months ago. It was done with my now old Lumix DMC-FZ8. Here it is and criticism is welcome:
  7. C

    Sun earth and moon

    I've never really considered doing macrography, but I think this shot says a lot about the creative opportunities and has given me many ideas I might like to try out. What lens did you use for this shot?
  8. C

    Beginner, 450D, guidance needed

    Thanks for helping! I've recently took in my 55-200 kit lens and got a credit note as I really wasn't using it and saw no purpose in keeping it when I could be using the money to get better equipment. This probably sounds a bit silly, but does anyone know how to OPERATE a polarizor? Brought...
  9. C

    Beginner, 450D, guidance needed

    I've got a really cheap tripod :S....I'm talking really cheap. However, it is really really light weight and does the job. Is this enough, or would a new one be advisable? By the way, thanks for the links to the photos! They have certainly boosted my confidence! Unfortunately, I'm not confident...
  10. C

    Beginner, 450D, guidance needed

    Hi, I have just up-graded from my bridge-camera, a Lumix DMC-FZ8, to a Canon 450D, with the 18-55 kit lens. I feel I am leaning more towards landscape photography, however, several things are preventing me from getting out on the field. 1) the feeling that the 18-55 lens wont bring me the...