Recent content by CrissTinaM

  1. C

    First Attempt at Wedding Photography

    Hi all I'm going to do my first wedding soon and I was wondering if you could suggest some good lenses to take along. I've got a D3100. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you Cristina
  2. C

    70-200 f2.8 portraiture showcase thread

    Thank you Bruce, that's very helpful. Hope I'll come back with some good photos for critiques soon . :-)
  3. C

    70-200 f2.8 portraiture showcase thread

    Hi, I've just got my first ever DSLR , a Nikon D3100 . Could anybody advice on what's the best lens for portraits and if I can get anything good out of a 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G lens (if I can take some portraits with that lens) ? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you Cristina