Recent content by ctranter

  1. ctranter

    Hi-Tech Pro 10 stop filter issue

    Shoot once with the filter, then shoot the same shot without it. In Photoshop use the normal shot to get the colours: masking / colour or luminance overlay
  2. ctranter

    Peak District

    Wyming brook.
  3. ctranter

    How can you tell if there is going to be a nice sunrise/ sunset

    Experience and luck. Best sunsets are with heavily textured cloud cover with a break on the horizon. Sunrises are too early for my liking.
  4. ctranter

    How does one get such crisp landscape photographs?

    Its incredible how good a badly-blurred or OOF photo can look good at web size after a proper resizing and sharpening. A lot of what goes into good web images is decent resizing and sharpening, so at smaller image sizes things can be misleading if you're comparing your own full res, unsharpened raws
  5. ctranter

    Landscape focusing

    I use 10x live view to check focus for landscapes
  6. ctranter

    How to take good landscape (natural and urban) shots in flat, dull light?

    Work with it. Sometimes bleak is just what the scene is, and often scenes like that don't benefit from a lot of post work. I guess to some people that might be dull.
  7. ctranter

    Shooting light beams

    chalk dust or smoke works well
  8. ctranter

    First outing with new lens

    Lovely photos, the 400 5.6 is a great lightweight birding lens - especially excellent for birds in flight. It pairs with a 1.4x converter pretty nicely too (until you can afford a 500!)
  9. ctranter

    UWA for New York??

    Again for the 10-20/22. That and the 30 f/1.4 are all I really use in most cities and they tend to do the job for 99% of situations.
  10. ctranter

    Miner Bee

    Terrific clarity.
  11. ctranter


    Great stuff.
  12. ctranter

    Macro Refraction - HELP

    You mean like the water droplet shots?
  13. ctranter

    Polar Bear

    Great photo, if anything I guess it just feels a bit unbalanced with the space on the left and all the detail of the head and clouds over on the right. I might've been tempted to shift the bear left a bit in the frame.
  14. ctranter

    Auto ISO

    Can't say I've ever really tried it. Always been happy to set it myself.
  15. ctranter

    `Singing` Dipper

    Top capture.