Recent content by Cyrn

  1. C

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Went for a stroll around the paths that criss cross the Cotswold Water Park and came across this old lock cottage. Never seen a round one before. Lock Cottage by Jim Rowley, on Flickr (REALLY enjoying my XE4 and 27mm!)
  2. C

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Hi-Vis by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  3. C

    Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

    Wandering around Gloucester Docks today - got spotted! Socially Distant by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  4. C

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Wandering around Gloucester Docks today: Mariners' Church by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  5. C

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Hi all - can I join your gang? Got a Fuji XE4 with 27mm lens last week. Sun came out today so this is my first effort with it: Magnolia Stellata by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  6. C

    Photoshop Alternatives - Non Subscription

    A vote for Affinity. I was a PS user in the past but I also don’t like subscription software so when getting back into photography I opted for Affinity. Love it. Does all I want and the tutorials are clear and succinct. I combine it with C1Express for RAW processing.
  7. C

    Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

    Quiet Smoke by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  8. C

    Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

    Taxi Waiting by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  9. C

    Would a Fuji XE-2 with the pancake lenses suit street shooting?

    Just getting back into photography. Last camera died (Sony RX100) and hadn’t bothered to replace it for donkey’s years - used my phone or nothing at all... After loads of research and its attendant agonising I opted for an XE and 27mm. I liked the fixed lens Fuji’s but the option of getting a...
  10. C

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    £5 or less by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  11. C

    Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

    Phone Home by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  12. C

    South-West England Dartmoor Discussions

    Every March I take a fresh group of Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award candidates out for a couple of days in the vicinity of Great Mis Tor. It was my last trip out in 2020 before lockdown hit us. Missing it this year and seeing a pic of it has just rubbed salt into the wound... :)
  13. C


    Yea - I agree, folks. the Neg is pretty sharp but my makeshift scanner produces quite low res jpgs which give it the lack of focus. Might have to invest in a "proper" scanner but fr 120 negs they're quite expensive.
  14. C


    First attempt at posting one of my photos for critique/advice. Portrait taken on XP2 with a Hasselblad and 150mm lens then scanner don a homemade scanner consisting of a black box, a light pad and an iPhone...very Heath Robinson! A picture I took of my stepfather: Dave by Jim Rowley, on Flickr
  15. C

    Show us your snow pics then, cos its the middle of Summer!

    Cedar%20in%20Snow%20by%20Jim%20Rowley,%20on%20Flickr']Cedar in Snow by Jim Rowley, on Flickr[/URL]