Recent content by d_pipa

  1. d_pipa

    leaves on bricks

    black background, e.g. gloss black = FTW :)
  2. d_pipa

    leaves on bricks

    IMO, I think it lacks the contrast (between the bricks and dried leaves)
  3. d_pipa

    One from my Canon "Nifty Fifty" ;)

    Havent seen the old Land Rover before! Such strange bodyworks.
  4. d_pipa

    The car was sick, The train was late and then this...2nd IMAGE ADDED

    Loves how the train's roof reflects the sky's colour!
  5. d_pipa

    Another Website Feedback

    agreed with above :)
  6. d_pipa

    Website feedback

    notepad may be a bit hard for you, dreamweaver would be a start. have fun :)
  7. d_pipa

    Website feedback

    which program you used to edit? its recommended to use dreamweaver or notepad. :)
  8. d_pipa

    Another Website Feedback

    urgh too much javascript. the images on 'product' page takes long time to load. reduce the size below 50kb, itll load faster.
  9. d_pipa

    Website feedback

    "martin pawlett | photography", add margin-bottom about 20px. lighten the grey on "photography", its nearly the same as black. move "Home Welcome to Martin Pawlett Photography." above the image. (or delete it, I would if I was you.) Add new button for "About". Align each button's content to...
  10. d_pipa

    First shot with D90 and Tamron 17-50

    Amazing! You did this on AV mode? ISO? Im considering to get the lens! :)
  11. d_pipa

    Which lens to buy?

    I've ordered a 500d, with 50mm 1.8. Cheaper and ideal for start again, TBH. :)
  12. d_pipa

    You have 1000 pounds to spend on a computer...

    £1000? You can save £500 if you build own PC. It is very easy, even a child can do this. FTW
  13. d_pipa

    Which lens to buy?

    Hello again. In the past, I have sold my camera kits. And I would like to get it back. It is important that I only pay a lens that would be useful for everyday (I don't want to waste my money and leave it in the bag, like I did in the past.} I think I will get Canon 500d, the video is...
  14. d_pipa

    How do Sky makes those still pics appear to be moving?

    After Effects do beautiful works.
  15. d_pipa

    **Delete please (wrong topic)**

    **Delete please (wrong topic)**